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Stephen V. Cole and Leanna Cole have returned safely from their European adventure.
They attended the Essen Gamefaire in Germany, then took a short vacation to see the sights in England. Parliament, the Tower of London, Stonehenge, the Imperial Museum, Trafalgar Square.
A special thanks goes to John Crawford who took time off to act as tour-guide in England.
Leanna is taking the day to recover, and will be back in the office in the morning.
Their cats, Isis and Ramses, were doubtless glad to have their full-time servants return, but at least had a moment of great excitement while they were away. A squirrel wandered into the fenced in confines of their backyard, and reached a tree just inches in front of the cats. From which point it hurled great impercations down upon them while they asked it to come back down to play. Without the metal barrier around the tree at about six feet (designed to keep the cats from using the tree as a launching platform to get over the fence themselves), the pursuit would doubtless have lasted longer (and gone over the fence).
They attended the Essen Gamefaire in Germany, then took a short vacation to see the sights in England. Parliament, the Tower of London, Stonehenge, the Imperial Museum, Trafalgar Square.
A special thanks goes to John Crawford who took time off to act as tour-guide in England.
Leanna is taking the day to recover, and will be back in the office in the morning.
Their cats, Isis and Ramses, were doubtless glad to have their full-time servants return, but at least had a moment of great excitement while they were away. A squirrel wandered into the fenced in confines of their backyard, and reached a tree just inches in front of the cats. From which point it hurled great impercations down upon them while they asked it to come back down to play. Without the metal barrier around the tree at about six feet (designed to keep the cats from using the tree as a launching platform to get over the fence themselves), the pursuit would doubtless have lasted longer (and gone over the fence).
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