What's the World Coming To?
Vanessa Clark: Today my work day will be cut short because I have to go to court to be a state's witness on something that happened well over a year ago. While I can't get into the details of the case, I can give an overview. I have an associate's degree in real estate and therefore practiced real estate. I live in a part of Texas where it's still supposed to be safe. In class they always told you about the "horrors" of being in real estate and what COULD happen to a Realtor, but they always followed it up by saying, nothing like that has EVER happened here. I felt safe. I hadn't been practicing real estate for more than 3 months when I showed some homes (vacant) to a man...these were BIG homes...$500k and up. He gave a story about being single with a grown daughter and a grandchild, but for some reason things felt funny to me. I protected myself by using a little common sense. I called a friend before I left (because all of these homes were out in the country) and asked that he call me every 15 minutes to check on me, I took my own car, I never walked in front of the man with my back to him, I left the front door open, and stayed centrally located in the houses so that I could have quick access to the door. My intuition served me well; the next night on the 10pm news, a Realtor had been abducted...it was the same man although I didn't know it for sure, I just KNEW it was him. I called the detective and gave a description of the man. The next day, I took the paperwork I had that this man had signed and forged, made a positive ID on him, and gave a statement. Today, I am testifying for the state to prove premeditation. I tell my story because although it is completely unrelated to anything of the "Star Fleet Universe" or ABD, I want to remind everyone to be safe, use common sense, and trust your instincts. It could have been me that he beat silly that night and my kids could be without a mother. Be safe everyone, today's world demands it.
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