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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Coming of the Borak Star League

This is Steven Petrick posting.

I have invested considerable time in the Borak Star League (Module E3). The books are essentially done (currently a 56 page rulebook and a 76 page SSD book).

The biggest remaining problem to be worked out is the graphics. Jeremy Gray had a number of ship graphics in his draft rulebook, which look fine on the screen as part of the .doc file he sent, but do not print worth a darn. So I am going to need to get those ship graphics and insert them into the book, or delete them. I would prefer the former of course.

I need to get that resolved, but I am also involved in the Mongoose project and that took up most of my last two days (as well as good parts of a lot of other days resulting in SVC being a trifle miffed that I did not finish the project earlier).

All of the Borak SSDs and ship descriptions are done to the "new standard," that is to say each ship description lists refits available to the ship, and each SSD has the year for a refit included, among other upgrades. In addition, the Master Ship Chart reflects all major refits (it cannot reflect the partial X-refit because there is no set standard for these, e.g., a given ship might have X-phasers but not X-batteries or X-APRs, while another ship might have X-batteries but not X-APRs or X-phasers, and another might have all three). It also does not reflect the mech-link refit because that particular refit was never universal (not even for the Lyrans even though all of their SSDs show it). Every other refit applicable to a unit is shown. There are of course other things that are part of the "new standard" for ship descriptions that were included, but most of you already know what the basic new standard is from Modules R12 and X1R.

The above does mean that, for example, there is a listing for a Borak SBe, meaning "starbase early weapons," to be consistent with (R1.R2) in Module R1. This does not put a Borak starbase in the "early years," but simply deals with the case that when Borak starbases first enter service not all of the Borak weapons are in fact available, and are added at a later date.

The Borak reflect the vision of their designer, which means there are some things that are oddities, at least to me. I am curious to see if others see these oddities and comment on them.