This Week at ADB, Inc., 9-15 October 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This was another week in what passes for normal during the final phases of getting 66 new 2500-series miniatures approved. The weather this week was not as hot, reaching 80 once or twice. The spam storm mostly remained below 200 per day. The Amarillo School board approved ADB, Inc. to host a high school graphics intern one afternoon a week for seven weeks.
New on e23 this week: SFB Basic Set SSD book and Captain's Log #15.
Steve Cole worked mostly on Mongoose stuff, checking ships (approving the Klingon F5, C7, D5, E4, and D5W; Rom KE, BH; posting the new Klingon E4; Gorn HDD, CM, DD#2, Gorn BC#2, and BDD; Rom Condor, BH; Kzinti BC, BCH, FF, DN, DW, NCA; Orion LR, CR, SAL.) and rules. He found time for some other projects, including some reserve blogs, and finished Communique #70.
Steven Petrick (delayed in his trip home from Council of Five Nations) spend Sunday night in Houston but staggered home Monday noon and got back to work on the Borak, checking Mongoose ships and ACTA background articles, got books ready for e23, and answering rules questions. He began a project to update one or two Basic Set ships per week, finishing the first six.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and worked on quarterly royalty statements.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, posted Communique #70, sent Hailing Frequencies Oct 11, chased pirates, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (now up to 978 friends), proofread Communique #70 and ACTA backgrounds, and did some marketing.
This was another week in what passes for normal during the final phases of getting 66 new 2500-series miniatures approved. The weather this week was not as hot, reaching 80 once or twice. The spam storm mostly remained below 200 per day. The Amarillo School board approved ADB, Inc. to host a high school graphics intern one afternoon a week for seven weeks.
New on e23 this week: SFB Basic Set SSD book and Captain's Log #15.
Steve Cole worked mostly on Mongoose stuff, checking ships (approving the Klingon F5, C7, D5, E4, and D5W; Rom KE, BH; posting the new Klingon E4; Gorn HDD, CM, DD#2, Gorn BC#2, and BDD; Rom Condor, BH; Kzinti BC, BCH, FF, DN, DW, NCA; Orion LR, CR, SAL.) and rules. He found time for some other projects, including some reserve blogs, and finished Communique #70.
Steven Petrick (delayed in his trip home from Council of Five Nations) spend Sunday night in Houston but staggered home Monday noon and got back to work on the Borak, checking Mongoose ships and ACTA background articles, got books ready for e23, and answering rules questions. He began a project to update one or two Basic Set ships per week, finishing the first six.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and worked on quarterly royalty statements.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, posted Communique #70, sent Hailing Frequencies Oct 11, chased pirates, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (now up to 978 friends), proofread Communique #70 and ACTA backgrounds, and did some marketing.
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