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Sunday, October 16, 2011


Steve Cole muses: Just thinking to himself about the fall TV season.

TERRA NOVA looks to be good. If it has dinosaurs and guns I'm down for it, but this one actually seems to have some depth. There are enough moving parts (Sixers, rebellious teenagers, renegade hermit who carves petroglyphs, the unspoken big secret) to keep the plot interesting. One note about episode 3, the pterodactyls were in fact rhamphorinchoids, the long-tailed ancestors of the short-tailed pterodactyls. Rhamphorinchoids had been extinct for a very long time before 85mya.

UNFORGETTABLE: I'll watch Poppy Montgommery read a phone book, but the tortured heroine thing is a little overplayed here. That said, who doesn't need another girl-cop-kicks-ass show? Love her new hair color.

RINGER has intrigued me and I'll watch Sarah Michelle Geller in anything, but I doubt that this show can keep going. It took three weeks to get Leanna to watch Episode Two, but she was (after that) willing to watch Episodes Three and Four.

REVENGE seems interesting, but like too many shows the writers are enamored of the "jump back and forth in time" format and that makes it very jarring to watch. I wish they wouldn't do that. I wish no one would do that. They could have done a two-hour movie "the railroading of her dad" and just done minor flashbacks of it each episode. Leanna loves the show.

CHARLIE'S ANGELS is not as awful as the guys on the BBS told me it was, but it did not make the cut for us. We always give a try to more shows than we can practically watch, and we gave up after one episode. Leanna dropped it because of Bosley and it while I found it watchable, it wasn't good enough for me to watch alone. I watch a few shows by myself (e.g., Top Shots, Blue Bloods) but this wasn't going to be one of them.

PRIME SUSPECT is your typical girl-cop-kicks-ass show, and that's fine. I could do without her stupid hat. She handled her boyfriend's ex-wife very well. I could not follow the second episode but the third was better.

SECRET CIRCLE is Beverly Hills 90210 with witchcraft, and I wonder how it can fail (beautiful teenage shows usually do not get cancelled). It seems to have enough political intrigue to keep me interested. However, it's marginal at best for us and may get dropped because we just have too many shows on the "really do want to watch" list. We have two or three as yet unwatched episodes and I am dubious that we will watch them.

GRIMM and ONCE UPON A TIME haven't started yet.

PAN AM was interesting if only for the different time (from my own childhood). The oversexed employees are cliche and the stewardess-spy strikes me as something Hollywood is going to use to attack the people who kept the US free during the Cold War. While watchable, Leanna decided that she would not watch it and I did not like it enough to watch it alone.

RETURNING SHOWS: I am glad Beckett survived being shot, but we all knew she would. They may have added enough complications to Hawaii Five-O to get me to watch one more year, but I liked CIA girl more than Profiler girl, and we all know Kono is under cover. Body of Proof remains a favorite. Would someone please cancel NCIS so Leanna doesn't force me to watch it? CSI-Vegas surprised me in that Ted Danson was not as awful as I feared; he does drama better than he ever did comedy. SVU seems to get along just fine without Stabler. Grey's Anatomy was my favorite show but has grown tiresome. The Mentalist remains an arrogant bastard, but I keep hoping he will sleep with Lisbon. Bones does not restart until November? Kitchen Nightmares is always a favorite, but Leanna cannot stand his cussing, even though she loves business makeover shows. I haven't caught up on last year's Chuck yet but I am banking this year's. CSI-NY has moved some people around so maybe it will avoid becoming stale. Blue Bloods remains a favorite, but that undercover plot is never going to work (crime families have facial recognition databases). Amazing Race continues to convince me that I do not want to sign up for it but I will watch it. CSI-Miami continues Caine's quest for more and more angst.