Will There Be An Attack in October?
This is Steven Petrick Posting.
Currently there is a buzz going around that a warning of an imminent attack in the United States was issued to by Al Qaida in August. Supposedly this attack will take place early in October (7 October seems to be the date in question).
One has to wonder what Al Qaida is trying to accomplish by posting such a message (if it is indeed a real message from Al Qaida, hard to tell).
Is it an effort to simply hurt Americans for the sake of hurting and killing infidels. (And creating "accidental martyrs" of any Moslems that are caught in the line of fire, at least any that Al Qaida defines as true Moslems. To Al Qaida, a Moslem that does not practice the Wahhabi form is just another Infidel, but one that can be dealt with after the Christian and other non-Moslem infidels have been reduced to their proper roles of servitude to Islam.)
Or is it an effort to "influence the American elections?"
Or is it all just the natterings of an insane fuhrer in his command bunker under Reichstag in Berl . . . oh . . . sorry, wrong war.
Of course the point to that one remains.
All we can do is wait and see, and perhaps be a little more vigilant about our surroundings. This can be difficult. It is after all pretty easy for me to feel relatively safe and secure. Al Qaida has not launched an attack on the U.S. heartland yet, and even this more recent E-mail is read as being directed against D.C. and NYC yet again. So easy for me to not be any more concerned about waking up on 7 Oct to see . . . what?
Still, any citizen should take a few moments to consider their surroundings, whether they are in NYC or D.C. Take a moment and ask if even the most "normal" happenstance is not really normal. Is the repair crew really a repair crew?
And do not fixate on "middle-eastern" men, remember that there have been tales of Al Qaida recruiting "European Muslims" for several years now, and of course quite a few middle-eastern men can pass as Hispanic, and there are quite a few African Moslems.
So all of us should take some time to look at our surroundings, look for things and people that seem out of place, but do not get paranoid, and above all remember that the the Al Qaida operative, if he or they exist, can be Caucasian, African, Hispanic, or middle-eastern in appearance. Do not give the out of place a past just because the people you see "look like me". Al Qaida has had seven years to try to gather the resources for another attack, do not assume it will be the same as the last.
Currently there is a buzz going around that a warning of an imminent attack in the United States was issued to by Al Qaida in August. Supposedly this attack will take place early in October (7 October seems to be the date in question).
One has to wonder what Al Qaida is trying to accomplish by posting such a message (if it is indeed a real message from Al Qaida, hard to tell).
Is it an effort to simply hurt Americans for the sake of hurting and killing infidels. (And creating "accidental martyrs" of any Moslems that are caught in the line of fire, at least any that Al Qaida defines as true Moslems. To Al Qaida, a Moslem that does not practice the Wahhabi form is just another Infidel, but one that can be dealt with after the Christian and other non-Moslem infidels have been reduced to their proper roles of servitude to Islam.)
Or is it an effort to "influence the American elections?"
Or is it all just the natterings of an insane fuhrer in his command bunker under Reichstag in Berl . . . oh . . . sorry, wrong war.
Of course the point to that one remains.
All we can do is wait and see, and perhaps be a little more vigilant about our surroundings. This can be difficult. It is after all pretty easy for me to feel relatively safe and secure. Al Qaida has not launched an attack on the U.S. heartland yet, and even this more recent E-mail is read as being directed against D.C. and NYC yet again. So easy for me to not be any more concerned about waking up on 7 Oct to see . . . what?
Still, any citizen should take a few moments to consider their surroundings, whether they are in NYC or D.C. Take a moment and ask if even the most "normal" happenstance is not really normal. Is the repair crew really a repair crew?
And do not fixate on "middle-eastern" men, remember that there have been tales of Al Qaida recruiting "European Muslims" for several years now, and of course quite a few middle-eastern men can pass as Hispanic, and there are quite a few African Moslems.
So all of us should take some time to look at our surroundings, look for things and people that seem out of place, but do not get paranoid, and above all remember that the the Al Qaida operative, if he or they exist, can be Caucasian, African, Hispanic, or middle-eastern in appearance. Do not give the out of place a past just because the people you see "look like me". Al Qaida has had seven years to try to gather the resources for another attack, do not assume it will be the same as the last.
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