This Week at ADB, Inc., 6-12 November 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This was a calm week as work on Captain's Log #44 proceeded while the final approvals for ACTASF/2500 production were completed. The weather this week was cool, 40F-50F. The spam storm mostly remained at just over 200 per day. We all breathed a sigh of relief on Tuesday when that asteroid missed Earth.
New on e23 this week were the R4 SSD book and Captain's Log #16.
Steve Cole worked mostly on Captain's Log #44 stuff, posting his provisional Third Fleet order of battle and getting some help hunting down the final ships. He found time for some other projects, including the completion of Hailing Frequencies and Communique, wrote reserve blogs, worked on that Captain's Log countersheet, did a minor proofread of the ancient S3.3 rules and posted them, and helped Leanna do a major clean-out of junk boxes that had accumulated in the conference room over two years (mostly, he just kept Leanna from throwing it all away without sorting it first).
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #44 items (term papers, scenarios, LDR class history), updated the S3.3 rules (for next week), did some order of battle research for SVC, and wrote a blog.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date. She is closing out the Zocchi plastic bookkeeping and put 144 clear plastic Fed DNs on sale, selling 50 of them in 3 days.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, helped Mike, and supervised Charles Diaz, our internet from Tascosa High School. SVC took Joel, Mike, and Charles on a tour of Whitney Russell printers (which does much of our color printing).
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1020 friends), proofread things, wrote a blog entry, and did some marketing.
This was a calm week as work on Captain's Log #44 proceeded while the final approvals for ACTASF/2500 production were completed. The weather this week was cool, 40F-50F. The spam storm mostly remained at just over 200 per day. We all breathed a sigh of relief on Tuesday when that asteroid missed Earth.
New on e23 this week were the R4 SSD book and Captain's Log #16.
Steve Cole worked mostly on Captain's Log #44 stuff, posting his provisional Third Fleet order of battle and getting some help hunting down the final ships. He found time for some other projects, including the completion of Hailing Frequencies and Communique, wrote reserve blogs, worked on that Captain's Log countersheet, did a minor proofread of the ancient S3.3 rules and posted them, and helped Leanna do a major clean-out of junk boxes that had accumulated in the conference room over two years (mostly, he just kept Leanna from throwing it all away without sorting it first).
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #44 items (term papers, scenarios, LDR class history), updated the S3.3 rules (for next week), did some order of battle research for SVC, and wrote a blog.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date. She is closing out the Zocchi plastic bookkeeping and put 144 clear plastic Fed DNs on sale, selling 50 of them in 3 days.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, helped Mike, and supervised Charles Diaz, our internet from Tascosa High School. SVC took Joel, Mike, and Charles on a tour of Whitney Russell printers (which does much of our color printing).
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1020 friends), proofread things, wrote a blog entry, and did some marketing.
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