This Week at ADB, Inc., 29 August - 3 September 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This was another routine week, with the design team working on Captain's Log #44, Federation Admiral, A Call to Arms, Starline 2500, Star Fleet Marines, and other projects. The weather this week was not as hot, but still uncomfortable. Nobody wants to spend a minute longer outside than it takes to get from the air conditioned building to the air conditioned car and vice versa. The Spam storm rolls along at about 150 per day average.
The Tuesday staff meeting decided to cancel all Friday staff meetings but never cancel a Tuesday one, and assigned work tasks to everyone. Mike Sparks took over some new duties, running the book trimmer and making the mail run.
Steve Cole worked on A Call to Arms (sending reports on the first 30 pages), Starline 2500 (9 ships exist and 5 of those are more or less done), a Star Fleet Alert for the Omega MRB, new FC ships (Lyran DND, Vudar CAF), wrote a company policy blog and a reserve blog, posted the SFB scenario list to the Forum, reviewed the next Hailing Frequencies, worked on counters for Captain's Log ships, made "Jean fixes" to the update list, did another FC scenario for the bank, finished the Vudar ePack #1 for e23, worked on the big fiction story for CL#44, did 11 pages of Fed Admiral, and sent a memo to the Battlestations guys.
Steven Petrick checked things SVC had done; reviewed the next Hailing Frequencies; worked on Module E3, the E4 campaign article for CL#44, Starline 2500 ships, ACTA pages 1-30, CL#44 SSDs, CL#44 battle groups, and the CL#44 monster article.
Both Steves playtested Star Fleet Marines and worked on scenarios and tactics for that rulebook.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued showing great leadership (learned from the business school classes she and SVC take Wednesdays and -- this week -- Friday).
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, trimmed books, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike. Joel has been showing great initiative lately in doing more things with less supervision.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (928 friends), proofread some things, and did some marketing.
This was another routine week, with the design team working on Captain's Log #44, Federation Admiral, A Call to Arms, Starline 2500, Star Fleet Marines, and other projects. The weather this week was not as hot, but still uncomfortable. Nobody wants to spend a minute longer outside than it takes to get from the air conditioned building to the air conditioned car and vice versa. The Spam storm rolls along at about 150 per day average.
The Tuesday staff meeting decided to cancel all Friday staff meetings but never cancel a Tuesday one, and assigned work tasks to everyone. Mike Sparks took over some new duties, running the book trimmer and making the mail run.
Steve Cole worked on A Call to Arms (sending reports on the first 30 pages), Starline 2500 (9 ships exist and 5 of those are more or less done), a Star Fleet Alert for the Omega MRB, new FC ships (Lyran DND, Vudar CAF), wrote a company policy blog and a reserve blog, posted the SFB scenario list to the Forum, reviewed the next Hailing Frequencies, worked on counters for Captain's Log ships, made "Jean fixes" to the update list, did another FC scenario for the bank, finished the Vudar ePack #1 for e23, worked on the big fiction story for CL#44, did 11 pages of Fed Admiral, and sent a memo to the Battlestations guys.
Steven Petrick checked things SVC had done; reviewed the next Hailing Frequencies; worked on Module E3, the E4 campaign article for CL#44, Starline 2500 ships, ACTA pages 1-30, CL#44 SSDs, CL#44 battle groups, and the CL#44 monster article.
Both Steves playtested Star Fleet Marines and worked on scenarios and tactics for that rulebook.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued showing great leadership (learned from the business school classes she and SVC take Wednesdays and -- this week -- Friday).
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, trimmed books, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike. Joel has been showing great initiative lately in doing more things with less supervision.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (928 friends), proofread some things, and did some marketing.
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