This Week at ADB, Inc., 22-28 August 2011
This was another normal week, as the design team worked on upcoming products and the production team kept shipping unusually strong mail orders. The weather remained hot, often passing 100F every day. The spam storm continued to exceed 100 most days.
New on e23 this week were Captain's Log #12 and the Omega Master Rulebook.
The joint venture with Mongoose moved forward with many new ship designs (Klingon F5; Fed Old CL, FF, FFB) reaching us, and significant changes to the first ship (Fed CA) to remove excessive deep lines. This took a lot of SVC and SPP time, but we knew that would happen when we signed the contract. This week included the very first phone call between Steve Cole and Matthew Sprange, which probably included more discussion of British things than actual work but was an important part of the developing relationship.
Both Steves playtested Star Fleet Marines numerous times. This included the second scenario (Destruction of Company B and its variants for Company A and Company C) and the third scenario (meeting engagement, capture the town, two variants).
Steve Cole (besides Mongoose projects) worked on Federation Admiral, Boosters 31-32-33, Captain's Log #44, did new ship cards for Federation Commander, launched the Omega Gazetteer project, started the new research honor bar, and did everything on the list that the Tuesday staff meeting gave him (such as getting quotes on printing and finding the original OMRB cover). He also talked with another game company that wants to do their new game under our contract with Paramount. He reviewed a non-SFU game design from an outside designer and warned him that there was no market for the game.
Steven Petrick (besides Mongoose ship reviews) finished the Omega Master Rulebook and the OMRB update list and worked on Captain's Log #44 battle groups.
Leanna showed considerable leadership this week, calling a meeting on Monday to decide that the Omega MRB would be released as one big book for $45 and put on e23 immediately. Leanna called a board of directors meeting to discuss the financial situation, announcing that all bills were paid up and there was enough money to print the projects for the rest of the year. Leanna and SVC continued to attend business management and leadership classes on Wednesday mornings, and Leanna seems to be more comfortable to take charge of certain projects. (She now manages print buying after SVC gets the original price quotes.)
Joel sank pirate ships, updated the website, did the cover layouts for Boosters 31-32-33, and worked like a demon to get the BBS archived and reduced below the danger point, finally reaching the goal of 150,000, then continuing until it was under 143,000. (Mike Curtis, Paul Franz, Steve Cole, and Jean Sexton helped with the archiving, but Joel did the lion's share.)
Mike Sparks kept orders going out, and asked for more responsibility. We're getting clearance from the insurance carrier for him to use the power cutter and a company credit card for him to make the mail run.
Jean reported that our page on Facebook had surpassed 922 friends and that we dominate the non-SJG listings on e23.
New on e23 this week were Captain's Log #12 and the Omega Master Rulebook.
The joint venture with Mongoose moved forward with many new ship designs (Klingon F5; Fed Old CL, FF, FFB) reaching us, and significant changes to the first ship (Fed CA) to remove excessive deep lines. This took a lot of SVC and SPP time, but we knew that would happen when we signed the contract. This week included the very first phone call between Steve Cole and Matthew Sprange, which probably included more discussion of British things than actual work but was an important part of the developing relationship.
Both Steves playtested Star Fleet Marines numerous times. This included the second scenario (Destruction of Company B and its variants for Company A and Company C) and the third scenario (meeting engagement, capture the town, two variants).
Steve Cole (besides Mongoose projects) worked on Federation Admiral, Boosters 31-32-33, Captain's Log #44, did new ship cards for Federation Commander, launched the Omega Gazetteer project, started the new research honor bar, and did everything on the list that the Tuesday staff meeting gave him (such as getting quotes on printing and finding the original OMRB cover). He also talked with another game company that wants to do their new game under our contract with Paramount. He reviewed a non-SFU game design from an outside designer and warned him that there was no market for the game.
Steven Petrick (besides Mongoose ship reviews) finished the Omega Master Rulebook and the OMRB update list and worked on Captain's Log #44 battle groups.
Leanna showed considerable leadership this week, calling a meeting on Monday to decide that the Omega MRB would be released as one big book for $45 and put on e23 immediately. Leanna called a board of directors meeting to discuss the financial situation, announcing that all bills were paid up and there was enough money to print the projects for the rest of the year. Leanna and SVC continued to attend business management and leadership classes on Wednesday mornings, and Leanna seems to be more comfortable to take charge of certain projects. (She now manages print buying after SVC gets the original price quotes.)
Joel sank pirate ships, updated the website, did the cover layouts for Boosters 31-32-33, and worked like a demon to get the BBS archived and reduced below the danger point, finally reaching the goal of 150,000, then continuing until it was under 143,000. (Mike Curtis, Paul Franz, Steve Cole, and Jean Sexton helped with the archiving, but Joel did the lion's share.)
Mike Sparks kept orders going out, and asked for more responsibility. We're getting clearance from the insurance carrier for him to use the power cutter and a company credit card for him to make the mail run.
Jean reported that our page on Facebook had surpassed 922 friends and that we dominate the non-SJG listings on e23.
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