This Week at ADB, Inc., 7-13 August 2011
Steve Cole reports:
Jean Sexton's father passed away this week, taking her out of action. We were all saddened by the loss but celebrated Warren Sexton's successful 83-year life as an educator.
This was, otherwise, just another "normal" week as the design team worked on scheduled products and the production team caught up with orders and moved on to some of their other work. The weather this week was hot, over 100F most days, with a touch of rain on Friday. The spam storm remained at about 100 per day.
New on e23 this week was Captain's Log #11.
Steve Cole got Communique #68 (and #69!!!) finished, and worked with Joel to get Hailing Frequencies done. He also wrote several future blogs, finished the Ship Cards for Boosters 31-33, did several more Ship Cards, updated the rules for Star Fleet Marines several times, wrote a page of Captain's Log #44, deleted 1500 old posts on the BBS (which is, again, approaching the limit), did another FC scenario for the bank (then found out that two he had already done were wasted effort), and read (and rejected) two fiction stories. He also took a couple of hours to help his pastor (Chaplain Denton) write an article on sacrifice and leadership that went into the Amarillo newspaper.
Steven Petrick worked on the Omega Master Rulebook, integrating Omega Five and the errata. He also worked on Captain's Log #44 battle groups, checked FC Ship Cards, made the post office runs, trimmed books, and checked orders.
Both Steves playtested Star Fleet Marines several times, focusing on Scenario Two (The Destruction of Company B).
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service. He also got Steve Cole to shoot three more Youtube marketing videos and then got Steve Cole to help him triage stuff in the back room and throw out some junk that was just taking up space.
Joel did website updates (including the creation of the Transports Attacked page), chased pirates, released Communique #68 and Hailing Frequencies, and helped Mike.
Jean took the week off to be with her family. Our page on Facebook passed 915 friends.
Jean Sexton's father passed away this week, taking her out of action. We were all saddened by the loss but celebrated Warren Sexton's successful 83-year life as an educator.
This was, otherwise, just another "normal" week as the design team worked on scheduled products and the production team caught up with orders and moved on to some of their other work. The weather this week was hot, over 100F most days, with a touch of rain on Friday. The spam storm remained at about 100 per day.
New on e23 this week was Captain's Log #11.
Steve Cole got Communique #68 (and #69!!!) finished, and worked with Joel to get Hailing Frequencies done. He also wrote several future blogs, finished the Ship Cards for Boosters 31-33, did several more Ship Cards, updated the rules for Star Fleet Marines several times, wrote a page of Captain's Log #44, deleted 1500 old posts on the BBS (which is, again, approaching the limit), did another FC scenario for the bank (then found out that two he had already done were wasted effort), and read (and rejected) two fiction stories. He also took a couple of hours to help his pastor (Chaplain Denton) write an article on sacrifice and leadership that went into the Amarillo newspaper.
Steven Petrick worked on the Omega Master Rulebook, integrating Omega Five and the errata. He also worked on Captain's Log #44 battle groups, checked FC Ship Cards, made the post office runs, trimmed books, and checked orders.
Both Steves playtested Star Fleet Marines several times, focusing on Scenario Two (The Destruction of Company B).
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service. He also got Steve Cole to shoot three more Youtube marketing videos and then got Steve Cole to help him triage stuff in the back room and throw out some junk that was just taking up space.
Joel did website updates (including the creation of the Transports Attacked page), chased pirates, released Communique #68 and Hailing Frequencies, and helped Mike.
Jean took the week off to be with her family. Our page on Facebook passed 915 friends.
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