This Week at ADB, Inc., 24 - 31 July 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This week saw the design staff pushing ahead with new projects while the production staff struggled to keep up with incoming orders. The weather this week was warm (in the 80s most days, over 100 once) but not as hot as before. Spam stayed at about 125 per day.
New on e23 this week was Starship Aldo. Our page on Facebook passed 900 friends.
Steve Cole reorganized his things to do list, worked on that mysterious new sheet of F&E counters, hunted down class names for Mongoose, finished the Wall of Honor updates, finished the FLAP list for the Origins products, playtested Star Fleet Marines, complained about GAMA management, set up the files for boosters 31-32-33, wrote three blogs, asked for quotes on Star Fleet Battle Force expansion cards, started work on Communique #68, processed two Federation Commander scenarios (that had no specific product, these are just for the stockpile), and had his annual eye exam (which went ok but took too long).
Steven Petrick worked on several projects (mostly Captain's Log #44).
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and did the quarterly royalty statements.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did a couple of website updates, but as his computer spend most of the week in the shop, he mostly helped Mike Sparks with orders.
Jean managed our page on Facebook, proofread E4, and did some marketing.
This week saw the design staff pushing ahead with new projects while the production staff struggled to keep up with incoming orders. The weather this week was warm (in the 80s most days, over 100 once) but not as hot as before. Spam stayed at about 125 per day.
New on e23 this week was Starship Aldo. Our page on Facebook passed 900 friends.
Steve Cole reorganized his things to do list, worked on that mysterious new sheet of F&E counters, hunted down class names for Mongoose, finished the Wall of Honor updates, finished the FLAP list for the Origins products, playtested Star Fleet Marines, complained about GAMA management, set up the files for boosters 31-32-33, wrote three blogs, asked for quotes on Star Fleet Battle Force expansion cards, started work on Communique #68, processed two Federation Commander scenarios (that had no specific product, these are just for the stockpile), and had his annual eye exam (which went ok but took too long).
Steven Petrick worked on several projects (mostly Captain's Log #44).
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and did the quarterly royalty statements.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did a couple of website updates, but as his computer spend most of the week in the shop, he mostly helped Mike Sparks with orders.
Jean managed our page on Facebook, proofread E4, and did some marketing.
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