This Week at ADB, Inc., 17 - 23 July 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This was another normal work week for the design team and another week of heavy work for the production team (dealing with some of the largest orders ever). The weather this week was hot, often (but not always) passing 100F each day. The spam storm began to exceed 100 per day for the first time in months. The annual Origins Victory Dinner was held on Wednesday and Jean was sorely missed.
New on e23 this week were the Distant Armada rules, SFB Module E4, and Distant Armada ships.
Steve Cole (who stayed home Sunday as he had promised Leanna) worked on ACTASF (reading and reporting on the first draft), wrote two reserve blogs for Jean, reviewed the card deck for Jay W's train game, did the revision 6 rulebooks for Klingon Space and Hydran Attack, did a sheet of F&E counters for Captain's Log ships (although what will be done with it is unclear), reviewed and reported on deck plans that the Mongoose artist did, reviewed some proposals, added Captain's Log #43 ships to the F&E MSIT, sent notes to Mongoose about the next five minis, did the RegalHawk for Communique #68, and finished the CL#43 FLAP list.
Steve Cole also finished updating the Wall of Honor, updated the FC MSC, updated the text catalog, added CL#43 entries to the Gazetteer, and updated the FC Scenario database (none of which will get uploaded until Joel's computer is fixed).
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #44 and other projects.
The two Steves playtested Star Fleet Marines several times. It looks now like it will be delayed one or two months, and that E3 Borak will not be delivered to us until next year.
Leanna barely kept up with the huge volume of orders.
Mike and Joel kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, put the Origins stuff back in the warehouse, and managed customer service. Joel was unable to do web work because the uber-PC was sick and had to be rebuilt from the empty tower up.
Jean managed our page on Facebook, proofread some things, and did some marketing.
This was another normal work week for the design team and another week of heavy work for the production team (dealing with some of the largest orders ever). The weather this week was hot, often (but not always) passing 100F each day. The spam storm began to exceed 100 per day for the first time in months. The annual Origins Victory Dinner was held on Wednesday and Jean was sorely missed.
New on e23 this week were the Distant Armada rules, SFB Module E4, and Distant Armada ships.
Steve Cole (who stayed home Sunday as he had promised Leanna) worked on ACTASF (reading and reporting on the first draft), wrote two reserve blogs for Jean, reviewed the card deck for Jay W's train game, did the revision 6 rulebooks for Klingon Space and Hydran Attack, did a sheet of F&E counters for Captain's Log ships (although what will be done with it is unclear), reviewed and reported on deck plans that the Mongoose artist did, reviewed some proposals, added Captain's Log #43 ships to the F&E MSIT, sent notes to Mongoose about the next five minis, did the RegalHawk for Communique #68, and finished the CL#43 FLAP list.
Steve Cole also finished updating the Wall of Honor, updated the FC MSC, updated the text catalog, added CL#43 entries to the Gazetteer, and updated the FC Scenario database (none of which will get uploaded until Joel's computer is fixed).
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #44 and other projects.
The two Steves playtested Star Fleet Marines several times. It looks now like it will be delayed one or two months, and that E3 Borak will not be delivered to us until next year.
Leanna barely kept up with the huge volume of orders.
Mike and Joel kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, put the Origins stuff back in the warehouse, and managed customer service. Joel was unable to do web work because the uber-PC was sick and had to be rebuilt from the empty tower up.
Jean managed our page on Facebook, proofread some things, and did some marketing.
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