This Week at ADB, Inc., 3-9 October 2010
Steve Cole reports:
The weather this week was clear and a little cooler (60s in the morning, low 80s in the afternoon) with a little rain.
The spam storm ran about 500 per day.
This was the week that we shipped Y3 and YG3. They both went on the shopping cart for mail orders that will go out next week.
New uploads to e23 included our first SFB file (YG3).
Steve Cole worked on Klingon ePack #1 (but did not finish it as Jean and Mike blew fits and wanted more changes than he had time to make), the Star Fleet Alert for Cafe Press, wrote some more blogs for Jean, wrote Communique #58, did a stellar fortress for FC, and worked with Jean and Joel reworking Hailing Frequencies.
Steven Petrick worked on CL#42.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued work on the first Kindle Book.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and continued adding products and images to Cafe Press.
Joel did website updates and reworked Cafe Press with Mike and Hailing Frequencies with Steve Cole.
Jean is fighting her way through short turnaround proofreading projects to get some work done on GURPS FEDERATION.
The weather this week was clear and a little cooler (60s in the morning, low 80s in the afternoon) with a little rain.
The spam storm ran about 500 per day.
This was the week that we shipped Y3 and YG3. They both went on the shopping cart for mail orders that will go out next week.
New uploads to e23 included our first SFB file (YG3).
Steve Cole worked on Klingon ePack #1 (but did not finish it as Jean and Mike blew fits and wanted more changes than he had time to make), the Star Fleet Alert for Cafe Press, wrote some more blogs for Jean, wrote Communique #58, did a stellar fortress for FC, and worked with Jean and Joel reworking Hailing Frequencies.
Steven Petrick worked on CL#42.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued work on the first Kindle Book.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and continued adding products and images to Cafe Press.
Joel did website updates and reworked Cafe Press with Mike and Hailing Frequencies with Steve Cole.
Jean is fighting her way through short turnaround proofreading projects to get some work done on GURPS FEDERATION.
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