This Week at ADB, Inc., 26 September-2 October 2010
Steve Cole reports:
The weather this week was a little cooler than last week (70 in the morning, reaching 80s or maybe 90 in the afternoon), without much rain. The spam storm ran at about 700 per day.
This was the week that we shipped Y3 and YG3. They both went on the shopping cart for mail orders that will go out next week.
We had an issue around our warehouse and had to go put up no trespassing signs.
New uploads to e23 included Frax Pack #2 and Frax Pack #3. New Xander mugs were uploaded to Café Press.
Steve Cole finished the Y3 flap list, did some marketing with Jean, finished the Wall of Honor updates, sent Jean two reserve blogs, got a pack of Klingon ships ready for next week on e23, worked on the system for Jay W to fix the problems Jean found in Federation Admiral, did 15 whole minutes of Tai Chi, and walked half a mile for exercise.
Steve Petrick launched an initiative to change the Origins National Gold Hat Championships into the Electronic World Platinum Hat Championships, and to offer different kinds of events at Origins that would bring new people to the show.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued work on the first Kindle Book.
Mike kept orders flowing out, handled some conventions support, shot a new video about Y3 and YG3, and uploaded new stuff to Café Press.
Joel updated the website, helped Mike on orders, and got the new products put onto the shopping cart.
Jean is fighting her way through short turnaround proofreading projects to get some work done on GURPS FEDERATION.
The weather this week was a little cooler than last week (70 in the morning, reaching 80s or maybe 90 in the afternoon), without much rain. The spam storm ran at about 700 per day.
This was the week that we shipped Y3 and YG3. They both went on the shopping cart for mail orders that will go out next week.
We had an issue around our warehouse and had to go put up no trespassing signs.
New uploads to e23 included Frax Pack #2 and Frax Pack #3. New Xander mugs were uploaded to Café Press.
Steve Cole finished the Y3 flap list, did some marketing with Jean, finished the Wall of Honor updates, sent Jean two reserve blogs, got a pack of Klingon ships ready for next week on e23, worked on the system for Jay W to fix the problems Jean found in Federation Admiral, did 15 whole minutes of Tai Chi, and walked half a mile for exercise.
Steve Petrick launched an initiative to change the Origins National Gold Hat Championships into the Electronic World Platinum Hat Championships, and to offer different kinds of events at Origins that would bring new people to the show.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued work on the first Kindle Book.
Mike kept orders flowing out, handled some conventions support, shot a new video about Y3 and YG3, and uploaded new stuff to Café Press.
Joel updated the website, helped Mike on orders, and got the new products put onto the shopping cart.
Jean is fighting her way through short turnaround proofreading projects to get some work done on GURPS FEDERATION.
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