This Week at ADB, Inc., 17-23 October 2010
Steve Cole reports:
The weather this week was warm enough, with cool mornings (down to 50F). It rained all day Thursday.
The spam storm continued to building, reaching 2000 on Tuesday, then dropping back to 500.
This was a fairly calm week as we tried to get a lot of routine stuff done before we start three intense weeks of finishing Captain's Log #42.
New uploads to e23 this week included Klingon Ship Pack #1, Federation Ship Pack #1, and the free First Missions pack.
Steve Cole worked on the packs for e23 (Kzinti Pack #1 is out for staff review), Communique #59 (which he finished, including a new Vudar ship), the project to convert FC cards to low-toner versions (he is halfway through Klingon Attack), designed the new calendar (with Joel and Mike), and a Star Fleet Alert about videos. He maintained his exercise program, building up to 28 minutes walking per day. Steve Cole and Leanna were gone Friday and Saturday on their annual trip hauling 400 pounds of raw meat to the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary for their annual fundraiser.
Steven Petrick worked on elements of CL#42.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued work on the first Kindle Book. She also handled the reprinting of two product covers.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and continued adding products and images to Café Press.
Joel did website updates and reworked Café Press with Mike and the calendar with Steve Cole.
Jean got some work done on GURPS FEDERATION.
The weather this week was warm enough, with cool mornings (down to 50F). It rained all day Thursday.
The spam storm continued to building, reaching 2000 on Tuesday, then dropping back to 500.
This was a fairly calm week as we tried to get a lot of routine stuff done before we start three intense weeks of finishing Captain's Log #42.
New uploads to e23 this week included Klingon Ship Pack #1, Federation Ship Pack #1, and the free First Missions pack.
Steve Cole worked on the packs for e23 (Kzinti Pack #1 is out for staff review), Communique #59 (which he finished, including a new Vudar ship), the project to convert FC cards to low-toner versions (he is halfway through Klingon Attack), designed the new calendar (with Joel and Mike), and a Star Fleet Alert about videos. He maintained his exercise program, building up to 28 minutes walking per day. Steve Cole and Leanna were gone Friday and Saturday on their annual trip hauling 400 pounds of raw meat to the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary for their annual fundraiser.
Steven Petrick worked on elements of CL#42.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued work on the first Kindle Book. She also handled the reprinting of two product covers.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and continued adding products and images to Café Press.
Joel did website updates and reworked Café Press with Mike and the calendar with Steve Cole.
Jean got some work done on GURPS FEDERATION.
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