Making a Difference
Jean Sexton writes:
Sometimes an opportunity arises to make a difference in the world. The difference may be small or large, but the important thing is that the difference should be a positive one. The Fight For A Cure tournament is a way to make such a positive difference.
Why did ADB, Inc. decide to promote this effort to benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation? Steve Cole was talking to me about his reasoning. Wargamers are generally male, but most guys know a lot of women. Mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, cousins, aunts, friends, and co-workers all have an impact on people. One woman in eight will be affected by breast cancer. The odds are good that each of our gamers knows someone affected by this disease which other than skin cancer is the cancer found most frequently in women. This gives gamers something to fight for -- helping fund an organization that assists women who are too poor to afford mammograms and to perhaps save someone's life through early detection.
So you want to know more about Fight For a Cure? The tournament format will be the usual single-elimination tree, but those eliminated will automatically re-enter (no additional fee) as long as first-round seats are available. This will be a sanctioned rated ace tournament. ADB, Inc. will provide a prize of $50 in merchandise credit for the winner. All players and donors will receive an honor bar on their page of the Wall of Honor. Additionally, Dale McKee, the noted artist and contest-winning painter of minis, will be donating a painted mini to be awarded to the winner of the tournament. To commemorate the event, the mini will be of the winning ship.
Why can people enter again after a first-round loss? No one says doing something "good" has to be less than "fun"! We expect to see (and are seeing) people who have never played SFB before trying it out for this tournament. Others have never played using SFBOL. We want everyone to have a chance to play a couple of games at the very minimum. For only $10, people can fly the Klingon or Federation tournament cruiser and see how they like it. If they want to try something different, then they can subscribe to SFBOL ( and fly any tournament cruiser.
Within a few hours of our announcement, we got questions from some of our non-SFB-playing customers. "What about me? I want to help, but I'd rather donate than play in a tournament." We decided to be inclusive and quickly set up the storefront to allow donations. If you go to, you will see that you can donate or play.
Our fans are really great people and are pulling together to make this event a success. Paul Franz created a whole new sign-up page for this tournament. Roger Rardain volunteered to judge it. Dale McKee is furnishing a painted mini to the winner. Xander Fulton created a spiffy logo that you can see here:
What do you have to do to be part of the First Annual Fight For A Cure event? Pay your $10 entry fee by 11:59 pm October 22 (notice the extended date), 2010. Then you'll be eligible to enter your ship. Then play your best and have fun! It's as simple as that.
For many of us, Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time was one of the first science fiction books we read. In it is this quotation: "Like it or not, we either add to the darkness of indifference and out-and-out evil which surrounds us or we light a candle to see by." Let's make this tournament a candle.
Sometimes an opportunity arises to make a difference in the world. The difference may be small or large, but the important thing is that the difference should be a positive one. The Fight For A Cure tournament is a way to make such a positive difference.
Why did ADB, Inc. decide to promote this effort to benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation? Steve Cole was talking to me about his reasoning. Wargamers are generally male, but most guys know a lot of women. Mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, cousins, aunts, friends, and co-workers all have an impact on people. One woman in eight will be affected by breast cancer. The odds are good that each of our gamers knows someone affected by this disease which other than skin cancer is the cancer found most frequently in women. This gives gamers something to fight for -- helping fund an organization that assists women who are too poor to afford mammograms and to perhaps save someone's life through early detection.
So you want to know more about Fight For a Cure? The tournament format will be the usual single-elimination tree, but those eliminated will automatically re-enter (no additional fee) as long as first-round seats are available. This will be a sanctioned rated ace tournament. ADB, Inc. will provide a prize of $50 in merchandise credit for the winner. All players and donors will receive an honor bar on their page of the Wall of Honor. Additionally, Dale McKee, the noted artist and contest-winning painter of minis, will be donating a painted mini to be awarded to the winner of the tournament. To commemorate the event, the mini will be of the winning ship.
Why can people enter again after a first-round loss? No one says doing something "good" has to be less than "fun"! We expect to see (and are seeing) people who have never played SFB before trying it out for this tournament. Others have never played using SFBOL. We want everyone to have a chance to play a couple of games at the very minimum. For only $10, people can fly the Klingon or Federation tournament cruiser and see how they like it. If they want to try something different, then they can subscribe to SFBOL ( and fly any tournament cruiser.
Within a few hours of our announcement, we got questions from some of our non-SFB-playing customers. "What about me? I want to help, but I'd rather donate than play in a tournament." We decided to be inclusive and quickly set up the storefront to allow donations. If you go to, you will see that you can donate or play.
Our fans are really great people and are pulling together to make this event a success. Paul Franz created a whole new sign-up page for this tournament. Roger Rardain volunteered to judge it. Dale McKee is furnishing a painted mini to the winner. Xander Fulton created a spiffy logo that you can see here:
What do you have to do to be part of the First Annual Fight For A Cure event? Pay your $10 entry fee by 11:59 pm October 22 (notice the extended date), 2010. Then you'll be eligible to enter your ship. Then play your best and have fun! It's as simple as that.
For many of us, Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time was one of the first science fiction books we read. In it is this quotation: "Like it or not, we either add to the darkness of indifference and out-and-out evil which surrounds us or we light a candle to see by." Let's make this tournament a candle.
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