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Friday, August 06, 2010


FED2: As the World HETs. Dave Morse stars.
KLG3: Iron Chef. Kemmerell yells "Bam!". He does it a lot.
ROM4: Gladiator Pilot. Rypeckius, a disgraced pilot, battles his way to a showdown with the Praetor.
KZN5: Dust in the WYN. Historical documentary. Garth Getgen narrates the story of the Usurper's well-deserved death. Three hours.
GOR6: Guiding Plasma. Soap opera, Jeff Williams stars.
THL7: Extreme Engineering. Moving a planet.
ORN8: Gorn in 60 Seconds. Starship thieves take a dare.
HYD9: The Great Gatling. Classic movie, 4 hours.
AND10: To be announced. 4 hours.
LYR11: The Lyran King. Betrayed by his uncle, a young Lyran prince struggles to regain his father's throne.
ISC13: NYPPD BLUE. Two hard-edged policemen try to keep the peace between seven savage gangs that refuse to help themselves; stars Ryan Peck and Chris Fant.
CAR19: Carnivon Idol. Contestants howl at the moon while the losers are savagely torn to pieces by the judges.

CBS1: Survivor: The Hydran-Lyran Border. Host Robert Cole.
FED2: The Romulan Strain. A team of scientists on an isolated base study a Romulan biological weapon while time runs out on Earth. Mike Raper stars.
KLG3: 18. ESS Agent Jark Kauer rescues his daughter from a strip club while foiling a coup against the Emperor.
ROM4: Who Wants to Be a Centurion? Xander hosts.
GOR6: Honey, I Enveloped the Kids. Movie; PG.
THL7: Pinwheel of Fortune. Alex Deridex hosts.
ORN8: Orion's 11. Looting the casinos on Planet Vegas.
LYR11: History of the Civil Wars, Part 23.
ISC13: The Magnificent Seven. A team of mercenaries tries to protect a village that won't help itself.

CBS1: That Y170s Show.
FED2: The Pelican Brief. Two lawyers search for the truth in the wreckage of a Romulan minesweeper as the countdown to war continues. Stars Owen Riley and Paul Scott.
KLG3: The Taming of the Crew. Kommander Konglet orders random executions to improve morale.
ROM4: Remus and Andro. Movie starring Nicholias Cage and Richio Glover; two unlikely neighbors share posh apartments on Remus on the eve of an Andromedan attack.
GOR6: Gornasaur. Walt Disney's 2332 classic.
THL7: Web of the Spider. Movie, 2 hours.
ORN8: The Great Convoy Robbery. Documentary.
LYR11: Wyn, Lose, or Die. Game show.
ISC13: Tombstone. Three tough brothers try to keep the peace in a small town that refuses to help itself.

PBS1: Real Life. As the gang prepares steaks for dinner, somebody asks the Lyran if he's seen the Hydran recently.
FED2: Chicken Hawk Down. A dozen Romulan soldiers try to fight their way to safety after their ship crashes on Somalius, but can manage only a humiliating rout.
KLG3: The Taming of the Crew. Kommander Konglet whips the crew into a frenzy.
ROM4: Different Cloaks. The adorable raggamuffin who moved in with the senator asks "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Praetor?" touching off a Romulan civil war.
KZN5: Beauty and the Beast. A Kzinti noble falls in love with an Earth girl, who starts pumping iron in her prison cell.
GOR6: Gorn Storm Rising. A young Romulan officer discovers an impending Gorn attack, but nobody listens.
ORN8: CSI Vulcan. Investigators make logical deductions.
LYR11: Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright. Disaster movie.
ISC13: Last Man Standing. Bruce Willis tries to stop a fight between two outlaw gangs that refuse to help themselves.