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Monday, October 05, 2009


Steve Cole reports on the week of 28 September to 4 October:

This has been the first week of the new post-Boot Camp management system. Long-time followers of ADB, Inc., know that I get more done than anyone they know, but that I also always try to do more than I actually can do, and that I am always finding a new management system to keep track of what I should be doing. This time, surely, I have found one that will work and that I will stick to.

The new system provides that I must work on "marketing" every Monday. I decided that part of that would be a summary blog for the week. I will skip the daily routine stuff, other than to mention that every day I read FYEO and my email, responded to customers, and had meetings.

We got word that the new countersheets have been printed and die cut and will arrive about 8 October.

I did the Communique and Hailing Frequencies for 10 October, way ahead of time this time. I sent the last of the Fed Commander cards to FC OnLine.

I did the Hydran Attack rulebook and sent it to the staff. Eric got the cover done and sent it to press.

I had dinner last Monday with my old Guard chaplain, who helped me deal with some stressful personal issues (adjusting to being older than I have been).

The burglar alarm went off at 2:10am on Tuesday. Leanna and I drove to the office to meet the police, but nothing was wrong, nothing was broken. Best guess, somebody leaving the bar next door stumbled into the front glass and it was enough vibration to trip the alarms that detect broken glass.

The BBS and Forum ran well, and I managed to score 100 on target shooting for the second and third times in my life.

On Customer Request Wednesday, I got a bunch of old Starletters sent to Eric to upload to the new Starletter page.

We got more intercom boxes and added Eric and Mike to the intercom system.

On Contract Friday, I wrote up the deal sheet for the Star Fleet Battlestations joint venture.

On Sunday, I had a nice chat with the local game-store owner, who had insights into the industry.

Leanna Cole created packaging for the fighters, did all of the mail orders, bought a Kindle so we can figure out how to do books that way, and started working on getting the first PDF book uploaded to e23.

Jean Sexton had her surgery, but still found time to finish: proofreading the FCHA cards, editing Klingons PD20M, and proofreading Communique for 10 September.

Steve Petrick worked on CL40. He probably did more work than anyone, and gets little to show for it on this report.

Graphics director Eric Olivarez created a new page for the old Starletter issues, and did the covers for Hydran Attack and the new boosters.

Warehouse manager Mike Sparks received the fighter minis and started packing them.

Well, that's what happened last week. During the next week, I need to send the Hydran Attack Ship Cards to press and get moving on Klingons PD20-Modern.