Looking for Opportunities
This is Steven Petrick Posting.
When we print covers for products (something we have to do outside of the office still) we are paying to print the entire press sheet, whether we use every square inch of it, or only use a single inch (no, we do not ever print just a single inch, this is just to make the point that the dollar cost is the same no matter how much of the press sheet we use).
For most businesses, you simply get what you need printed, and do not worry about the excess.
We are a game business, so we look for opportunities to use that "lost space".
In this case, SVC decided to use what would be lost space to print "battle force playtest cards". They will not be "playing card quality", but we will be able to get some playtesting done with real color "cards" of the Lyrans and Hydrans (albeit not complete sets of them as were found in Captain's Logs #25 and #27).
When we print covers for products (something we have to do outside of the office still) we are paying to print the entire press sheet, whether we use every square inch of it, or only use a single inch (no, we do not ever print just a single inch, this is just to make the point that the dollar cost is the same no matter how much of the press sheet we use).
For most businesses, you simply get what you need printed, and do not worry about the excess.
We are a game business, so we look for opportunities to use that "lost space".
In this case, SVC decided to use what would be lost space to print "battle force playtest cards". They will not be "playing card quality", but we will be able to get some playtesting done with real color "cards" of the Lyrans and Hydrans (albeit not complete sets of them as were found in Captain's Logs #25 and #27).
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