The Technical side of Graphics
Jolene: Being in graphics is really easy sometimes and really hard sometimes. I have learned that with the graphics side there is also the technical side, which I am learning a great deal about with ADB. Steve sends me tasks in my e-mail everyday to get something accomplished. I sit down, I get it done, and then we have a morning meeting. Steve will usually ask me something to this effect, "So your going to get that project I sent you in your e-mail done, and come back and I will have something else for you to do". Usually, I will tell him, It's already done. His facial expression makes me feel good because of the fact, I know that I am doing my job and doing it right. I hope that in the future, that I can become even faster, depending on if my brain can keep up with my fingers. Learning about this website has made me realize how much I don't know, and I am very pleased about what I have already learned working here. If there is ever a problem with the website, please feel free to e-mail us, and I will try to fix the problem as soon as I can.
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