Steve Cole ponders thoughts on
Tyrannosaurus-Rex specimens found lately:
Black Beauty (Alberta, 1980 28 %)
Stan (South Dakota, 1987 63 %)
Wankel Rex (Montana, 1988 46 %)
Sue (South Dakota, 1990 85 %)
Scotty (Saskatchewan, 1991 over 70 %?)
Samson (South Dakota, 1992 over 70 %?)
Peck¹s Rex (Montana, 1997 40-80 %?)
Bucky (South Dakota, 1998 34 %)
B-Rex (Montana, 2000 37 %)
Jane (Montana, 2001 50 %)
Tristan (Montana, 2010 57 %)
Trix (Montana, 2013 80 %)
Baby Bob (Montana, 2013 over 50 %?)
Tufts-Love Rex (Montana, 2016 - ???)
Black Beauty (Alberta, 1980 28 %)
Stan (South Dakota, 1987 63 %)
Wankel Rex (Montana, 1988 46 %)
Sue (South Dakota, 1990 85 %)
Scotty (Saskatchewan, 1991 over 70 %?)
Samson (South Dakota, 1992 over 70 %?)
Peck¹s Rex (Montana, 1997 40-80 %?)
Bucky (South Dakota, 1998 34 %)
B-Rex (Montana, 2000 37 %)
Jane (Montana, 2001 50 %)
Tristan (Montana, 2010 57 %)
Trix (Montana, 2013 80 %)
Baby Bob (Montana, 2013 over 50 %?)
Tufts-Love Rex (Montana, 2016 - ???)
Note that different scientists have different ways of calculating percentage (number of bones, weight of bones, volume of bones) so the numbers aren't necessarily comparable.
2. Dinosaurs have long been
divided into two groups, the bird-hipped ones (stegosaurus,
triceratops, duckbills, but not birds) and the lizard-hipped ones (all
of the meat eaters and all of the sauropods like Brontosaurus). A
recent study suggests that the theropods (meat eaters) are more
closely related to the bird-hipped ones than the sauropods. The issue
is hotly debated.
3. During
the latest Cretaceous, the land masses had separated and the dinosaur
populations of the northern and southern hemispheres were very
different. Tyrannosaurids, duck bills, and horn-faces dominated
western North America and Asia. Abelisaurids (a meat eater, including
Carnotaurus) and titanosaurids (bronto-critters) dominated in South
America, India, and Madagascar. Europe was a bunch of islands with
smaller species. Eastern North America was another continent with a
separate population.
4. Trackways (solid stone that was
once mud with dinosaur footprints in it) are one way we learn about
dinosaurs, but they are far less accurate than one might assume. The
dinosaur might have had mud-caked feet. The tracks might have been
eroded before they were covered up. The pressure of covering them up
might have flattened and expanded the tracks. Nobody knows just how
muddy the ground that became the track way was, or how fast the
dinosaur was running. Exposed trackways are subject to erosion, often
over many years before humans find and preserve them. Trackways are
also favorite targets of thieves and illegal collectors who sell the
cut-away stone blocks to millionaires with secret illegal
5. The latest analyses indicate the
crocodiles and turtles are more closely related to each other than
either is to lizards or dinosaurs.
6. While not
dinosaurs (actually, long after them), the Pleistocene carnivores Dire
Wolf and Saber-Tooth Tiger are modern favorites and are often found in
bags of plastic dinosaur toys. They had two very different hunting
strategies. Dire wolves, like modern wolves, chased down and wore out
their prey, while saber-tooth tigers were ambush hunters (leaping
cats, like all modern cat species other than cheetahs). This was
determined by analysis of broken-bone injuries found amount hundreds
of skeletons.
Zhongjianosaurus is a new dinosaur from China, and the smallest
carnivore yet found. It was smaller than a pigeon, but was clearly a
dinosaur (a micro-raptor) not a bird or bird ancestor. (Micro-raptors
and bird ancestors are from the same branch of the family tree.)
8. It is hard to tell from a few loose bones or
teeth just what kind of animal you have found. Police who find random
bones today can do DNA tests to find out that their crime scene is
actually just the place where somebody bar-b-qued some pork ribs. No
such luck with dinosaurs. Bushels of dinosaur teeth turned out to
belong to phytosaurs (alligators), a huge pterodactyl wing bone turned
out to be a tree trunk, and most scientists think that protoavis
(claimed to be the earliest bird, dozens of millions of years before
any other) is a jumble of bones from at least two and possibly four
unrelated animals that were all swept downstream in a flood and buried
in a eddy.
9. The ICZN
(International Committee for Zoological Nomenclature) keeps track of
every animal name ever printed. In one recent case, someone named a
new dinosaur only to find out that the name had already been used. In
another case, a name given to a new dinosaur had already been used for
a modern-day beetle. Once a name is used (even if the name proves to
be invalid) it cannot ever be used again. Sometimes different
scientists find different parts of the same kind of animal and each
gives it a name; this is why the Brontosaurus I grew up with suddenly
changed when it was found that a few random bones given the name
Apatosaurus were in fact part of a Brontosaurus. The same scientist
named both and while he always suspected they were from the same
critter, he always preferred Brontosaurus but ICZN rules insist on
Apatosaurus. Later, more skeletons were dug up and some started to
argue that Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus were in fact related animals
like a horse and a zebra. [I was told once that actors unions have a
similar rule so that there can never be two actors of the same name.
This often causes problems when a model or singer tries to break into
acting only to find out that the name they have built up over a decade
was used by some two-bit actor 60 years ago that nobody remembers.
I¹m just saying.]
10. Reptiles cannot chew bones; they can only swallow them
whole. Theropod (meat-eating) dinosaurs, on the other hand, easily
chewed up the bones of smaller (and sometimes larger) animals and ate
them. (We know this because of bone fragments found in fossils of
dinosaur poop.) They did this with incredible bite forces (T-rex
reached 8,52634,522 newtons), teeth that worked more like scissors
than molars, and biting repeatedly in the same place to shatter the
bones into fragments.
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