Steve Cole ponders various
thoughts on business in America.
1. Recently, one of our
employees went by a certain small business we buy things from to pick
up something. The owner had been bored and had entered every one of
his customers in a state website listing unclaimed money. He found
that Yahoo owed us $109 for something Vanessa did 10 years ago. We
all thought that this was something very nice for him to as a service
for his customers. (Anyone running a business might do this for their
customers. It costs you little money (just time) and might make a customer very happy.)
Leanna claimed the money, then just for fun, started entering our
names and the names of my late parents and brother and (shazam) found
$800 that someone owed my father. Every state has a different database
and I bet you can find them on Google easily enough, but make a note
and check it every year. A little surprise Christmas bonus can make
your holidays happy.
2. A lesson on negotiations. On the television
show Sister Wives, one of the daughters (Madison) was getting married
in June (the episode was filmed in May and aired in December). Another
daughter (Mykelti) got engaged and wanted to get married in August (so
she and Tony could live together during the fall semester of college).
The parents didn¹t want her to get married that soon because (1) the
couple hadn¹t known each other long enough, (2) there wasn¹t time
to work up a wedding given they were busy with Madison¹s wedding,
and (3) they couldn¹t afford a nice wedding that soon after
Madison¹s. After some negotiation, Mykelti agreed to wait until
December if the parents would pay for a nicer wedding and the
honeymoon. The parents said they agreed but would work out the details
later. Warning! Working it out later (i.e., after August) leaves
Mykelti no bargaining power. What the parents should have done was to
tell Mykelti she could have budget X in August or budget X+Y in
December and let her choose. Mykelti should then have countered that
she would wait for December in exchange for the specific budget
offered plus a specific amount of money to contribute to the
honeymoon. There is nothing to stop the parents (now) from taking the
honeymoon money out of the unstated budget they would have offered for
3. Over the last few months,
we had an increasing number of problems with our burglar alarm system.
The company sent repair guys out here who declared the problem fixed,
but as it kept happening we warned all of them that we were unhappy
and likely to change companies when the contract expired. We got no
answer and assumed that the company did not care; in fact the repair
people (and the dispatchers who got the false alarms) never told their
boss. We considered calling the boss directly, but for several reasons
(busy, didn't think it would work, didn¹t want to have an argument)
we did not. Out of desperation, we paid to change to a new (slightly
more expensive) company, ending a seven-year relationship with the
first company (by a formal letter). When that first company's boss
heard he had lost a customer, he investigated, found the problem, and
fixed it, but it was too late; the new system was already being
installed. I had a very nice (and mutually sad) conversation with the
first company, and we agreed that his repair and dispatch people
should have reported the problem months earlier, and that I should
have called him directly rather than just assuming that his employees
were telling him the situation.
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