This Week at ADB, Inc., 31 January - 6 February 2016
Steve Cole reports: This was a week of good
news and steady progress. The weather this week was chilly, often
dropping to freezing during the night. The first of the non-updated
SFBOL2G SSDs were deleted this week.
New on Warehouse 23, DriveThru RPG, and Wargame Vault this week was the SFB Module R11 Rulebook.
Our first Kindle Book got very close to release.
Steve Cole worked on ships for the Romulan Master Starship Book, ship graphics for SFBOL3G, fiction for Captain's Log #51, blogs, and other projects.
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #51, the Romulan Master Starship Book, and the SFB Module C2 update.
The Starlist Update Project moved forward with three new entries and an update.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out and rebuilt the inventory.
Simone did website updates and some graphics.
Jean got taken off of oxygen and the breathing problem that almost killed her just stopped, so the drainage tube was removed. She worked on deals for new RPG systems, managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 2,989 friends), managed our Twitter feed (175 followers), commanded the Rangers, dealt with the continuing spam assault on the BBS, managed the blog feed, proofread fiction, took care of customers, uploaded PDFs, and did some marketing.
New on Warehouse 23, DriveThru RPG, and Wargame Vault this week was the SFB Module R11 Rulebook.

Our first Kindle Book got very close to release.
Steve Cole worked on ships for the Romulan Master Starship Book, ship graphics for SFBOL3G, fiction for Captain's Log #51, blogs, and other projects.
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #51, the Romulan Master Starship Book, and the SFB Module C2 update.
The Starlist Update Project moved forward with three new entries and an update.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out and rebuilt the inventory.
Simone did website updates and some graphics.
Jean got taken off of oxygen and the breathing problem that almost killed her just stopped, so the drainage tube was removed. She worked on deals for new RPG systems, managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 2,989 friends), managed our Twitter feed (175 followers), commanded the Rangers, dealt with the continuing spam assault on the BBS, managed the blog feed, proofread fiction, took care of customers, uploaded PDFs, and did some marketing.
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