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Monday, January 25, 2016

This Week at ADB, Inc., 17-23 January 2016

Steve Cole reports:

This was a week of steady progress. The weather this week was cool.

New on DriveThru RPG and Wargame Vault this week was the Federation Commander Romulan Ship Card Pack #2.

Steve Cole was back to work on 3/4 days, keeping up all administrative tasks and getting some work done on projects. Among other things, he did 11 ships for SFBOL3G, walked at least 1/4 mile every day, did 29 ships for the Romulan Master Starship Book, wrote several blogs, got Communique #121 finished, and found a piece of fiction that might work for Captain's Log #51.

Steven Petrick worked on the Star Fleet Battles Module C2 update, Captain's Log #51, the Romulan and Lyran Master Starship books, and fiction reviews.

The Starlist Update Project moved forward with six new entries and two updates.

Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.

Mike kept orders going out and rebuilt the inventory.

Simone did website updates, uploaded Communique #121, created and released Hailing Frequencies, and did some graphics.

Jean rested at home most of the week (getting blogs for the week posted) but on Saturday made her first visit to the office since mid-December. She spent the time training Simone to take over PDF uploads and publicity during an extended absence.