- your shuttlecraft has been up on blocks for over a month.
- he paints flames and an NRA sticker on the warp nacelles.
- you have a shuttle called "Billy Joe Bob."
- he refers to Klingons as "Critters."
- he refers to Romulans as "Yankees."
- he refers to photon torpedoes as "popguns."
- he has the sensor array repaired with a bent coathanger and aluminum foil.
- he installs a set of bullhorns on the front of the saucer section.
- he says "Got your ears on, good buddy" instead of "open hailing frequencies."
- he hangs fuzzy dice over the viewscreen.
- he rewires his communicator into his belt buckle, along with his tricorder and his pocket knife.
- he keeps a six-pack under his command chair and a gun rack above it.
- he says "Yee-Ha!" instead of "Engage."
- he has a hand-tooled holster for his phaser.
- he insists on calling his executive officer "Bubba."
- he sets the forward viewscreen to reruns of "Bassmaster."
- he programs the food replicator for beer, ribs, and turnip greens.
- he paints the starship John Deere green.
- he stocks catfish in the ship's pool.
- he spends every Tuesday evening in the ship's bowling alley.
- he refers to a pulsar as a "Blue Light Special."
- he refers to the Mubarsa Nebula as a "swamp."
- his moonshine is stronger than Romulan Ale.
- the spare seat on the bridge has his cowboy hat in it, and no one, absolutely no one, would dream of sitting on it by accident.
- he sings "Lucille" instead of "Kathleen."
- his idea of a dress uniform is CLEAN bib overalls.
- he wears mirrored shades on the bridge.
- his idea of a "gas giant" is that big ol' XO Bubba.
- he sets the phasers to "Cajun."
Thanks to John Hilgers. This originally appeared in Captain's Log #18. (c) copyright by Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.
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