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Monday, October 07, 2013

This Week at ADB, Inc., 29 September - 5 October 2013

Steve Cole reports:

This was the week we shipped SFB Module C6 to mail orders. The weather this week was cooler. The spam storm mostly remained at something under 200 per day.

New on e23 this week: Star Fleet Battles Module C6 Preview.    

New on DriveThru this week: Valkenburg Castle and Star Fleet Module C6 Preview.

Steve Cole was sick with a cold most of the week, but worked on the new F&E unified auxiliary rule, the QARF, the C6 preview pack, the fighter ops revision for next year, quotes for Tribbles and interesting future non-SFU project, Fed Admiral, the 3rd generation project for SFBOL, Communique #94, Hailing Frequencies, and graphics for the article in Gygax magazine. He had has annual physical and was found to be in surprising good health for his weight.

Steven Petrick worked on stuff for Captain's Log #48 (battle groups, the monster article, the update).

Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.

Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.

Simone did website updates and some graphics.

Jean worked on the C6 preview pack, managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1780 friends), managed our Twitter feed (64 followers), commanded the Rangers, managed the blog feed, proofread the C6 preview and Communique #94, gathered information for Hailing Frequencies, dealt with Mongoose, took care of customers, and did some marketing.