This Week at ADB, Inc., 27 May - 2 June 2012
Steve Cole reports:
This week included the last days of Jean's visit followed by a few days of steady work. The weather this week was warm, sometimes hot. The spam storm mostly remained at something over 200 per day.
Nothing was released on e23 this week, but we should get out something this week.
Steve Cole worked most of the week on page layout for Traveller Prime Directive Core Rulebook. (He needs to start work on Captain's Log #45 but Mongoose is pressuring him to review the ship cards and the Gorn/Kzinti micro rulebook first.) At the end of the week, he did a stack of reserve blogs for Jean's stockpile.
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #45 and the reports on the R2 revision and assembled a lot of fiction for possible use in the second paperback anthology.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date. She also used a bunch of the reserve cash to buy a second bookbinder.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike. Joel pushed hard on the job hunt and was hired by the American Quarterhorse Association on Friday. He will continue to work for us a few hours a week.
Jean spent part of the week in Amarillo working hard on Traveller Prime Directive Core Rulebook, got home a day late after the usual misadventures, then managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1,219 friends) and did some marketing.
This week included the last days of Jean's visit followed by a few days of steady work. The weather this week was warm, sometimes hot. The spam storm mostly remained at something over 200 per day.
Nothing was released on e23 this week, but we should get out something this week.
Steve Cole worked most of the week on page layout for Traveller Prime Directive Core Rulebook. (He needs to start work on Captain's Log #45 but Mongoose is pressuring him to review the ship cards and the Gorn/Kzinti micro rulebook first.) At the end of the week, he did a stack of reserve blogs for Jean's stockpile.
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #45 and the reports on the R2 revision and assembled a lot of fiction for possible use in the second paperback anthology.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date. She also used a bunch of the reserve cash to buy a second bookbinder.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike. Joel pushed hard on the job hunt and was hired by the American Quarterhorse Association on Friday. He will continue to work for us a few hours a week.
Jean spent part of the week in Amarillo working hard on Traveller Prime Directive Core Rulebook, got home a day late after the usual misadventures, then managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1,219 friends) and did some marketing.
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