This Week at ADB, Inc., 7-13 November 2010
Steve Cole reports:
The weather this week was increasingly cool. We had a huge rainstorm on Thursday night which turned to the first snowfall of the winter on Friday morning. Most of the snow had melted away by the weekend.
The spam storm continued to climb, from 899 on Sunday to 2766 on Friday, the highest in months.
Jean says Facebook has climbed steadily to 540 friends.
This was the week that we sent out Communique #59 and the newly formatted Hailing Frequencies.
New uploads to e23 this week included the F&E 2010 Rulebook, the F&E Compendium, and the Federation Commander Reference Rulebook.
Steve Cole worked on the story for CL#42 for almost all of his time this week, but he did do a few more low-toner FC cards for the Commander's Circle. He also found a moment to send FC high res countersheet jpgs to Garrett for FCOL and codes for CMYK colors to Richard Smith for FC Omega.
Steven Petrick worked CL#42 stuff all week.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued work on the first Kindle Book.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and continued adding products and images to Café Press.
Joel did website updates and new Café Press products, and did Hailing Frequencies with Steve Cole and Jean.
Jean continued doing marketing and GURPS FEDERATION.
The weather this week was increasingly cool. We had a huge rainstorm on Thursday night which turned to the first snowfall of the winter on Friday morning. Most of the snow had melted away by the weekend.
The spam storm continued to climb, from 899 on Sunday to 2766 on Friday, the highest in months.
Jean says Facebook has climbed steadily to 540 friends.
This was the week that we sent out Communique #59 and the newly formatted Hailing Frequencies.
New uploads to e23 this week included the F&E 2010 Rulebook, the F&E Compendium, and the Federation Commander Reference Rulebook.
Steve Cole worked on the story for CL#42 for almost all of his time this week, but he did do a few more low-toner FC cards for the Commander's Circle. He also found a moment to send FC high res countersheet jpgs to Garrett for FCOL and codes for CMYK colors to Richard Smith for FC Omega.
Steven Petrick worked CL#42 stuff all week.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and continued work on the first Kindle Book.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and continued adding products and images to Café Press.
Joel did website updates and new Café Press products, and did Hailing Frequencies with Steve Cole and Jean.
Jean continued doing marketing and GURPS FEDERATION.
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