Steve Cole muses:
Just thinking to himself.
1. I watched the shocking final episode of Grey's Anatomy and all I could think was "Thank God that this cannot happen in Texas." We have enough concealed guns down here that anyone trying this nonsense is going down from multiple gunshot wounds way before the death toll gets this high. Dig into school shootings and you'll see that the high death counts happen only in gun-free zones; in schools with legal weapon permits the shooters go down pretty fast. Case after case proves that. I am also astounded at the shooting accuracy of someone who bought a gun five days ago. He must have spent every minute of those five days practicing, or already been well experienced.
2. I keep getting emails that say "Free Viagra" but I cannot find this nation on any map and cannot find out what foreign invader is occupying it. I guess it's in some remote part of China, or maybe Viagra is another name for Tibet?
3. They canceled Flash Forward but kept V? Really? Something is very wrong here. It is worse than the cheetah going extinct while the Pekingese survives.
4. They canceled Law & Order, and I can see why. The two cops are the least interesting characters and actors of the entire franchise (as is the prosecutor-guy). The cancer story for the police lieutenant is a buzz killer, and while I like the female prosecutor, she's the least interesting female prosecutor in the history of the franchise. Like I said, I can see why they canceled the show. At least they kept SVU.
5. Memo to the producers and writers of Lost: I feel cheated. I feel like you turned six years of maddening frustration into six years of wasted time. I wanted the science and the history. I wanted to know what the heck was going on and how it really worked. I deserved nothing less, and your failure to provide it means I will never watch anything you produce again. If you want to regain my trust and support, do a two-hour special with that Dharma scientist explaining everything. What the island is, how it works, what it does, how the "magic" works and why it works, what is being protected and why, what superpowers the protector has and why, what Ben Linus knew, who built the wheel that moved the island, and the history all the way back to the first humans to land there.
6. Note the hypocrisy and double-standard in the Elena Kagan nomination. Republicans oppose her positions but will vote for her because she's qualified. On the other hand, Democrats blocked conservatives with better qualifications (Bork, Estrada) on purely ideological grounds. Republican integrity amounts to unilateral disarmament.
7. The oil spill is not Obama's fault. It's the fault of BP (with a pretty dismal record of safety violations) and environmental extremists who drove the oil industry to that depth by closing off any areas that were shallower. That, and the environmental extremists at the EPA who could not get around to approving Louisiana's plan to deploy booms to protect the swamps for over two weeks, until it was too late. Obama has shown an incredible lack of leadership, but remember, he's never led or managed anything. He's just a professional agitator. He's pretty good at stirring the pod; not very good at anything actually constructive.
8. Any realistic study of history (and of what's going on in the world right now) shows that the pattern is Muslim attacks on Christians, not the other way around. The crusades were not Christian aggression against Muslims, but a response to Muslim aggression against Christians. Remember that North Africa was Christian from 300 A.D. until the Muslims invaded and forced the locals to convert to Islam at the point of a sword.
9. Note to Hamas: Brilliant work, mission accomplished. You managed to make Israel look bad while they were preventing you from disrupting a legal blockade that stopped weapons, not supplies, from reaching Gaza. (Supplies reach Gaza every day by truck without incident, but those trucks are inspected so no weapons get in. Hamas wants weapons so they can kill Jews.) Anyone who calls for the blockade to be lifted is calling for free importation of weapons by Hamas, one of the world's worst terrorist groups.
10. Some real reality television has arrived for the summer. Ice Road Truckers is great! It's good to see Lisa again; she's the prettiest girl on TV and her little pony (small horse) is so cute! Deadliest Catch is back on, which is sad, since I already know that Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie died in mid-season. I'm excited by Whale Wars (although when they stop the Japanese from whaling and try to stop me from eating cows, we're going to have a problem). The new multi-ship attack is great, but I already know that the speedboat gets cut in half and that somebody ends up in a Japanese prison. I keep wondering why they don't use some techniques. They could broadcast whale warning songs over sonar, or drop bombs in the water to scare the whales away. (It's a pity that they cannot just torpedo the factory ship; I need to send a note to Obama about that.)
Just thinking to himself.
1. I watched the shocking final episode of Grey's Anatomy and all I could think was "Thank God that this cannot happen in Texas." We have enough concealed guns down here that anyone trying this nonsense is going down from multiple gunshot wounds way before the death toll gets this high. Dig into school shootings and you'll see that the high death counts happen only in gun-free zones; in schools with legal weapon permits the shooters go down pretty fast. Case after case proves that. I am also astounded at the shooting accuracy of someone who bought a gun five days ago. He must have spent every minute of those five days practicing, or already been well experienced.
2. I keep getting emails that say "Free Viagra" but I cannot find this nation on any map and cannot find out what foreign invader is occupying it. I guess it's in some remote part of China, or maybe Viagra is another name for Tibet?
3. They canceled Flash Forward but kept V? Really? Something is very wrong here. It is worse than the cheetah going extinct while the Pekingese survives.
4. They canceled Law & Order, and I can see why. The two cops are the least interesting characters and actors of the entire franchise (as is the prosecutor-guy). The cancer story for the police lieutenant is a buzz killer, and while I like the female prosecutor, she's the least interesting female prosecutor in the history of the franchise. Like I said, I can see why they canceled the show. At least they kept SVU.
5. Memo to the producers and writers of Lost: I feel cheated. I feel like you turned six years of maddening frustration into six years of wasted time. I wanted the science and the history. I wanted to know what the heck was going on and how it really worked. I deserved nothing less, and your failure to provide it means I will never watch anything you produce again. If you want to regain my trust and support, do a two-hour special with that Dharma scientist explaining everything. What the island is, how it works, what it does, how the "magic" works and why it works, what is being protected and why, what superpowers the protector has and why, what Ben Linus knew, who built the wheel that moved the island, and the history all the way back to the first humans to land there.
6. Note the hypocrisy and double-standard in the Elena Kagan nomination. Republicans oppose her positions but will vote for her because she's qualified. On the other hand, Democrats blocked conservatives with better qualifications (Bork, Estrada) on purely ideological grounds. Republican integrity amounts to unilateral disarmament.
7. The oil spill is not Obama's fault. It's the fault of BP (with a pretty dismal record of safety violations) and environmental extremists who drove the oil industry to that depth by closing off any areas that were shallower. That, and the environmental extremists at the EPA who could not get around to approving Louisiana's plan to deploy booms to protect the swamps for over two weeks, until it was too late. Obama has shown an incredible lack of leadership, but remember, he's never led or managed anything. He's just a professional agitator. He's pretty good at stirring the pod; not very good at anything actually constructive.
8. Any realistic study of history (and of what's going on in the world right now) shows that the pattern is Muslim attacks on Christians, not the other way around. The crusades were not Christian aggression against Muslims, but a response to Muslim aggression against Christians. Remember that North Africa was Christian from 300 A.D. until the Muslims invaded and forced the locals to convert to Islam at the point of a sword.
9. Note to Hamas: Brilliant work, mission accomplished. You managed to make Israel look bad while they were preventing you from disrupting a legal blockade that stopped weapons, not supplies, from reaching Gaza. (Supplies reach Gaza every day by truck without incident, but those trucks are inspected so no weapons get in. Hamas wants weapons so they can kill Jews.) Anyone who calls for the blockade to be lifted is calling for free importation of weapons by Hamas, one of the world's worst terrorist groups.
10. Some real reality television has arrived for the summer. Ice Road Truckers is great! It's good to see Lisa again; she's the prettiest girl on TV and her little pony (small horse) is so cute! Deadliest Catch is back on, which is sad, since I already know that Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie died in mid-season. I'm excited by Whale Wars (although when they stop the Japanese from whaling and try to stop me from eating cows, we're going to have a problem). The new multi-ship attack is great, but I already know that the speedboat gets cut in half and that somebody ends up in a Japanese prison. I keep wondering why they don't use some techniques. They could broadcast whale warning songs over sonar, or drop bombs in the water to scare the whales away. (It's a pity that they cannot just torpedo the factory ship; I need to send a note to Obama about that.)
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