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Friday, March 19, 2010


Joel Shutts has just uploaded the errata pages for the F&E 2010 Revision-0 rulebook. The F&E staff worked night and day for the last two weeks to make sure we found everything of any real significance. Staffers were assigned to check 2010 vs. 2000 rule by rule looking for missing rules, and to hand-check every cross reference in F&E 2010. While the staffers do most of the checking on any book, only ADB, Inc., is responsible for items found after the books are printed.
We regret that no matter how much work goes into any book before the presses roll, some things are not found until the pressure of a looming deadline is gone. It is our practice to work with customers who buy the first print runs of a new product to find everything we missed, and to ensure that these early purchasers have a great product.
There are standard print and large print versions located here:
There are about a page and a half of line items, 90% of which are just improved or corrected cross references. There are some significant errors.
1. The Sequence of Play has been updated to match the Step numbers in the Planetary Operations version. The updated version is included in the errata page file.
2. Jean Sexton updated the Index, correcting many errors which had gone unreported for a decade. The updated version is included in the errata page file.
3. Rule 203.55 did not match the examples in the 2000 or 2010-R0 rulebooks (the examples were right) and was fixed in Revision-1.
4. The Gorn off-map fleet activation rule (506.5) was accidentally left out of the Revision-0 rulebook and is included in Revision-1.
5. Pod data was left out of Revision-0 but is included in the errata page files and in Revision-1.
There are some other minor errors, such as are listed in the errata page file under (432.24), (509.1A), (509.1B), (511.52), (515.53), (602.42), (602.43), and (70x.3).
Also, some players asked that we provide replacement pages to separate rules 512 and 515 so they could integrate the expansions. Such pages are in the Revision-1 rulebook and in the errata page file. (The large print edition does not have this problem.)
New Revision-1 rulebooks began printing today (19 March 2010) including corrections of all of the listed items, plus a small number of obvious but unlisted typographical errors.
Uploading the errata page files fulfills our obligation to keep any product you buy from us up to date, but we will go farther. If you bought a 2010-Revision-0 rulebook (or get one in a store-bought boxed game you buy months from now), you have three options.
A: Download the errata page file. Print it out, and put it with your rulebook. Make a small colored mark next to each rule in the rulebook which has a line item so that you will know to check the errata page file.
B: We will provide anyone who bought a Revision-0 rulebook with a replacement Revision-1 rulebook at our cost, which is $4 for the book plus the cost of shipping ($5.95 for a priority mail envelope, or added to your next order at no shipping cost).
C: We will print the key replacement pages (there are about 30 of these, the ones with significant errors, not just cross reference items) and provide them to you for our cost which is $1.50 (plus postage, or added to your next order for no shipping cost).
While ADB, Inc., wishes that we had managed to produce a perfect book on the first try we knew that goal was a high one. It is still one that we regret missing. What matters to us is that you, our customers and fans, are satisfied with your purchase, and we hope that one of these options will accomplish that.