This week at ADB: 26-31 October 2009
Steve Cole reports:
This was the first of the final three weeks of finishing Captain's Log #40. Of course, many pages of this book have already been done, but this is the first week of serious focus on this product. Much of it was spent organizing and inventorying the pages already completed, and seeing what else needed to happen. We finally got the fiction story on Friday night, and that allowed us to order the art for the cover and interior. We seriously must do something better about getting fiction done earlier, but my attempts to write it myself are not always successful and I cannot control what outside writers do. We did reach 42% completion of CL#40 by Saturday night.
The week was clear and cool, usually in the 40s in the morning and warming to the 60s or 70s in the afternoon.
Visitors this week included my cousin Justin Kersey (an engineer) and his lovely wife Cindy. Leanna and I were in New Mexico on Sunday the 25th at the wolf sanctuary.
Eric was busy all week, adding many new documents to the website, including the sublight page, Xander Fulton's countersheet art, and the new Hydran Attack page. I sent out two Star Fleet Alerts and QCed 1100 map panels for Mike.
We got the new masters for Starline 2400. We ordered the F5W into immediate production, and had masters of the metal Juggernaut sent to Tony Thomas for some fixes.
Hydran Attack, Klingons PD20M, the fighter miniatures, and Boosters #25-#27 shipped to mail orders.
The Ship Cards for Booster #92 were finished and sent to the first round of staff checks. I also did the Communique for 10 November and sent it to the staff.
Hounded by my doctor, my wife, and by Jean, I began taking a daily walk around the block. This is supposed to lengthen over time, but right now I'm only lasting five minutes before I have to sit down. My long-range off-hand target shooting score climbed to 81. Petrick and I had the first of the re-started series of Wednesday Game Nights, playing Space Hulk.
This was the first of the final three weeks of finishing Captain's Log #40. Of course, many pages of this book have already been done, but this is the first week of serious focus on this product. Much of it was spent organizing and inventorying the pages already completed, and seeing what else needed to happen. We finally got the fiction story on Friday night, and that allowed us to order the art for the cover and interior. We seriously must do something better about getting fiction done earlier, but my attempts to write it myself are not always successful and I cannot control what outside writers do. We did reach 42% completion of CL#40 by Saturday night.
Hounded by my doctor, my wife, and by Jean, I began taking a daily walk around the block. This is supposed to lengthen over time, but right now I'm only lasting five minutes before I have to sit down. My long-range off-hand target shooting score climbed to 81. Petrick and I had the first of the re-started series of Wednesday Game Nights, playing Space Hulk.
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