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Monday, October 26, 2009

MY Week: 18-25 October 2009

Steve Cole reports:

This was the week that we released Klingons PD20M, Hydran Attack, Boosters #25-#27, the shuttlecraft minis, and the six packages of fighter minis. It began with a full day of work on Sunday to finish up K20M. (We had started printing Hydran Attack the day before.) Shipments began on time and were completed on time, but due to the massive number of new products, it meant that I spent most of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday in the warehouse packing Hydran Attack and helping Petrick run the shrinkwrap machine. (Mike was busy running the bookbinder and shipping orders.) Leanna and I got the new products onto the shopping cart and Eric uploaded photos.

The pain from the cracked ribs was pretty uncomfortable on Sunday but had gone away by Friday. We had a brief power failure (due to a suicide squirrel) on Monday, the 19th. We had a Chinese Fire Drill loading the huge outgoing UPS shipments during a thunderstorm on Tuesday. The White House began an insane attack on Fox News.

Leanna and I were gone on Friday the 23rd, Saturday the 24th, and Sunday the 25th for the annual party at the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. We took 373 pounds of meat for the wolves. The pumpkins were, for the first time ever, stuffed completely full with good food for the wolves, including beef liver, heart, and kidney.

I got a little real work done: the FLAP list for the new products, the new FC Master Ship Chart, and Communique #47 all got done.

The new schedule theory kind of broke down this week (and last week) due to the workload of getting products out and the rib injury. Not being here Saturday meant that there was no staff meeting, for example. I did last week's work on deal contracts this week, and spent all of the Customer Request time finding out that what somebody wanted wasn't something we could afford to do.

Eric created a new place on the PHP forum for people to upload photos of their painted miniatures. This is organized so that others can refer to the examples later.

Looking forward to the next week (26 October through 1 November) I see work on the schedule on CL #40.