This is Steven Petrick Posting:
Things have settled back into the daily grind. SVC is working to get Orion Attack finished, Mike Sparks is working to get Prime Directive D-20 Modern done, and Leanna has finished cleaning up the (thankfully few) messes I made while handling orders. (I do not work with the accounting software often enough to intuitively remember everything and am constantly checking my own work which makes it slow, even so I sometimes miss doing a TAB command or get distracted by a phone call and forget where I was in processing an order.)
So, for now it looks as though all is right with the world (in other words, we are waiting for the next visit by Mrs. Murphy's Darling Little Boy who always seems to appear just when things seem to be running smoothly).
Things have settled back into the daily grind. SVC is working to get Orion Attack finished, Mike Sparks is working to get Prime Directive D-20 Modern done, and Leanna has finished cleaning up the (thankfully few) messes I made while handling orders. (I do not work with the accounting software often enough to intuitively remember everything and am constantly checking my own work which makes it slow, even so I sometimes miss doing a TAB command or get distracted by a phone call and forget where I was in processing an order.)
So, for now it looks as though all is right with the world (in other words, we are waiting for the next visit by Mrs. Murphy's Darling Little Boy who always seems to appear just when things seem to be running smoothly).
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