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Saturday, December 08, 2007


Steve Cole Reports: Well, here is the new schedule. I should note some things to explain how this schedule was decided. We have the products from the fourth quarter of 2007 which did not get finished due to the time lost to my mother's death and the decision to build a new corporate headquarters building. In some cases, these bumped products that would have been in the first quarter of 2008 back a bit. We also had the delay in Squadron Boxes 16-18 (caused by the sudden retirement of Al Pare from Reaper). Those had to be scheduled for February (to give Alliance time to cycle the price increase caused by the 70% increase in the cost of these ships over similar ships done earlier, that due to the price of tin going up, that caused by China). With those coming out in February, we had to push the original schedule for FCDK and Squadron Boxes 19-21 back a month. The limits on the printing equipment mean one Prime Directive book per month (and not in the same month as a Captain's Log) and PD20M was closer to press than d20Feds and Gurps Feds.

==== 14 JANUARY =======
Captain's Log #36, SKU 5736, $18.95
Federation Commander: Line of Battle (battleship booster pack), SKU 4007, $19.95
Federation Commander: Border Box #6 (10 battleships), SKU 4406, $99.95
Starline 2400: Shuttlecraft, SKU 0104, $17.95 (pewter miniature)
Starline 2400: Federation Fast Carrier, SKU 0296, Retail $7.95 (pewter miniature)
Starline 2400: Federation New Fast Cruiser, SKU 0298, Retail $7.95 (pewter miniature)
Starline 2400: Klingon D6S Scout Cruiser, SKU 0347, Retail $7.95 (pewter miniature)
Starline 2400: Seltorian Heavy Cruiser, SKU 1504, $8.95 (pewter miniature)
Starline 2400: Seltorian Warships (CL, DD, FF), SKU 1505, $19.95 (pewter miniatures)

==== 18 FEBRUARY =======
Federation Commander: Briefing #1, SKU 4021, $12.95
Federation Commander: Squadron Box 16 (five DNs), SKU 4316, $44.95
Federation Commander: Squadron Box 17 (five DNs), SKU 4317, $44.95
Federation Commander: Squadron Box 18 (five DNs), SKU 4318, $44.95
Prime Directive d20M (Modern), SKU8721, $24.95
SFB Module G3: Master Annexes, SKU 5423, Price $29.95

==== 17 MARCH =======
Federation Commander: Distant Kingdoms, SKU 4106, $34.95
Federation Commander: Squadron Box 19 (Hydrans), SKU 4319, $34.95
Federation Commander: Squadron Box 20 (Lyrans), SKU 4320, $34.95
Federation Commander: Squadron Box 21 (WYNs), SKU 4321, $34.95
Prime Directive: Federation (d20), SKU 8702, $24.95

==== APRIL =======
SFB Module O5: Omega Flotillas, SKU 5665, Price $21.95
GURPS Federation, SKU 8402, $24.95
Federation Commander: Border Box 7, SKU 4407, $99.95
Federation Commander: Booster 19, SKU 4219, $9.95
Federation Commander: Booster 20, SKU 4220, $9.95
Federation Commander: Booster 21, SKU 4221, $9.95

==== MAY =======
Captain's Log #37, SKU 5737, $18.95