Sticky Situations in ACTASF Book 2: Playtesting, Webs, and WYNing the game.
Guest blogger Tony L. Thomas writes:
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Book 2 has taken quite a bit longer than expected. I had
anticipated a six-to-eight month turn-around time from the release of ACTASF
Deluxe edition to the PDF of Book 2. So much for the best laid
I've learned more about the difficulties of game development in
the last year than I ever knew existed. We started out with the Book
1.2 playtest staff and high hopes. But some of the staff members'
situations had changed. Some lost play groups, some moved away, some
became enamored by other games. So a call went out for new playtest
groups. In the eight months since we began playtesting in earnest, 23
different playtest groups have received part (or all) of the new
rules, not all at the same time, of course. Several of the groups have
never once posted a report or comment and have been removed from the
list and others added. I try to keep the current list at about six
active groups.
This has caused the biggest delay in Book 2 to date. So far, I
have received playtest reports from a whopping three groups (out of 23).
More keep promising reports "tomorrow," but those have yet to
materialize. And only seven of the 23 groups have even commented on the
rules posted. But I do now have at least three groups actively playing
the game and making reports, so progress has certainly picked up.
And if you'd like to be considered for play testing Book 3, let
me know now. Many of the ships and rules for Book 3 are already typed
and playtesting will begin the day Book 2 goes to ADB for
The first thing out the gate was the expanded Orion Pirate fleet
list. This was a piece of cake. The only new rule required was
Optional Weapon mounts, and Matthew Sprange had done a really good job with
the first draft of those. A bit of tweaking here and there, and they
were ready for the staff to tear apart. The only staff comment was,
"Why don't we reorganize them this way" ... and the new suggestion cut
the rules to a single page.
Next up was the expanded Tholian fleet list, with the Neo-Tholians
and the Seltorian Triubunal. The ship rosters were easy, but the webs
caused us no end of grief. We all knew that they would be difficult,
but we had no idea how difficult. We've gone through four complete, major
revisions of the rules with several minor 0.1 / 0.2 revisions along
the way. And unfortunately, we had to make webs work correctly before
we could even think about web snares, web casters, web fists, and web
breakers. We are finally there though. The Tholian webs version 4.2 should
be the final one, and the other systems have been resolved to work
with the webs.
Commando ships (including boarding party combat and ship
capture) are in the hands of the staff now and should be in their
final forms. Scouts and version 3.0 of the scout rules went out this
weekend. After that, everything is in the hands of the playtesters,
except the last few scenarios. We have seven or eight in playtest now and I'm
looking for the staff to submit another six or so. We'll take the best
and put an even dozen in the book. I'm also working on an Orion Pirate-based mini-campaign for inclusion in Book 2. It will be a series of
(most likely) six linked scenarios that must be played in order to
reach the end. And much like the newest board game trend every decision made in each scenario will continue through the
remaining scenarios. A good (and lucky) pirate may reach the final
scenario with overwhelming numbers and chalk up an easy victory,
whereas an unlucky one may reach the end to find himself hopelessly
outnumbered and simply hope to get the ship he's on out in one
As of March 17, 2017, there were 140+ ship rosters in playtest
for Book 2. That's too many and some will be held for Book 3. And on
that note Book 3 is scheduled to include Hydrans, Lyrans, and the
LDR, along with carriers/fighters for everybody. And there will be additional
ships for the empires in Books 1.2 and 2. One of those new empires is
the WYN Star Cluster.
Situated at the convergence of the Klingon Empire, the Lyran Star
Empire, and the Kzinti Hegemony; they are a small (one single hex on
the Federation & Empire map) empire completely surrounded by a
dangerous (and sometimes fatal) band of radiation. Their ships are a
combination of purchased ships from nearby empires, ships stolen by
pirates and then given/sold to the WYN, and a few home-built units
based on Klingon, Kzinti, and Lyran technology. The only new rule
required for them was an optional weapon rule and that was done for
Book 2. So, much like the Tholian and Orion Pirate teaser included in
Book 1.2 there will be a WYN teaser in Book 2. We will include three (or possibly four) new ships for the WYN Star Cluster, one auxiliary battlecruiser (converted from a generic freighter), one (or two) ships
purchased from their neighbors, and one home-built WYN ship.
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