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Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Steve Cole writes:
1. Your $500 Macy's gift card will expire in three days. (See attached file or link for copy of card.)   
2. Edits of contract attached. (Unzip the file and check paragraph nine.)
3. The delivery of your ordered goods is impossible.  (Attached is a zip file with details.)
4. Urgent fax document attached (guess what, it's a zip file).
5. Last minute cruise package $35/day. (Click the link to download information.)
6. What are you doing for lunch tomorrow? (Attached is a zip file with a menu of a new restaurant.)
7. New career for you, easy training, immediate high-paying jobs. (Click the link to download information.)
8. I demand a refund. (Attached is a zip file with proof I paid for the order you never sent.)
9. New diet plan safely and permanently sheds excess pounds. (Click the link to download information.)
10. Looking for an internship in your industry. (Attached is a zip file with my resume.)
In every case, the zip file (or sometimes a PDF or a link to a download) is a virus-packed stink bomb ready to explode.