This Week at ADB: 27 Dec 2015 to 3 Jan 2016
This was a week we would have just as soon skipped. The weather this week was cold as the snow on the ground slowly melted. Steve Cole was able to work only a couple of hours a day as his surgical recovery continues to make slow progress. He spent those hours on backlogged emails. He managed to finish Hailing Frequencies and Communique without Jean and Simone uploaded them on the 29th. Steve Petrick worked on various projects. The Starlist Update Project moved forward with 15 new entries and six updates (as Steve processed requests pending since mid-November). Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date. Mike kept orders going out and rebuilt the inventory. Simone did website updates and some graphics. Jean went into the hospital again with various post-surgical issues (pneumonia, bleeding) but despite a few days in intensive care she was sitting up and eating in a regular hospital room by Saturday.
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