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Thursday, November 28, 2013

On Being a Stranger in a Strange Land, Happiness, and Thankfulness

Jean Sexton muses:

By now it is oldish news that I moved from my native North Carolina to Texas. I've now been in Texas for over half a year and there are times I feel as though I am a stranger in a strange land. I heard this ringing noise when I was walking to my apartment the other day and saw a person wearing spurs. Spurs! On a Real Person! Not an actor or someone in a rodeo! Tumbleweeds still elicit a "Tumbleweed! There! Rolling!" response from me. And snow in November? It turns out this is normal! And while I love the big blue sky in Texas, I am keenly aware that it is different from the tall trees that abounded in North Carolina. I have to remember to order "sweet tea" here in an area where "tea" defaults to unsweetened tea, either hot or cold. And part of me still considers it heathenish what they call barbecue -- cow covered with a sweet, red sauce. Where is my pork with its light seasoning of vinegar and herbs?

And yet, I am happy, as happy as I have been in a long time. I have my own spaces (well, shared with Markie Dog Sexton) at work and at home and I'm decorating them as I want. My mother and I chat whenever we want, so doesn't seem we're far apart. I live so very close to work and to lots of stores. I'm able to work at "fun stuff" most of the time. I think I am making a difference to ADB and for our customers and that makes me happy, too.

All this month I've been thinking of things for which I am thankful. I am thankful for things such as good health and good fortune. I am thankful for my family who supported me in my move miles away from all that I knew to do a job they don't quite understand -- facilitating gaming and RPGing. I am thankful for friends who were there in person to help me move and who have supported me here. I am just as thankful for the community of friends that are out there, just an electronic whisper away, who are there when I need a laugh or some support or just a friendly hello. I am thankful for the people I work with who made it possible for me to be here and to bring Markie to work with me.

I am also thankful to you, our customers. Without your support ADB wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have the life I now lead. It is a modest life, but that is all I really want or need.

We hope that all of our American friends have time today to spend with family and friends. We give our heartfelt thanks for those who are working today to keep us safe and healthy. (For our friends elsewhere, thank you for indulging us in our time off today.) May you have much to give thanks for in the coming year.