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Sunday, February 10, 2013

This Week at ADB, Inc., 3-9 February 2013

Steve Cole reports:

This included the last of the wholesaler orders for the seven new products, and the mail orders. It was very busy for everyone. The weather this week was cool. The spam storm mostly remained at something under 100 per day.

Steve Cole worked on the Captain's Log #46 large print edition and FLAP list, and the final items to get the Admiral version of Battleships Armada (which Daniel Kast then finished). Steve updated Romulan Space to FC Revision Six. (We sell very few of these and still had some packed copies of revision five.) Steve spent a lot of the week packing products and doing quality control checks. The two Steves evaluated a fiction story and found it too fatally flawed to fix. Steve did complete his work on Communique #86 and the February Hailing Frequencies, both of which will go out on Monday. When asked to find some old campaign ribbon art from 19 years ago, Steve not only found it, but created an entire page of campaign ribbons for the Prime Directive download file. He even took a moment to help a student at a business school with a research project on the wargame industry. He reviewed the Klingon cards for ACTASF and found them 99% good (one trivial typo on the E4 must be fixed before they are uploaded for sale).

Steven Petrick worked on the assembly line much of the week, but with his hard disk largely (but not entirely) recovered, was able to resume work on C6 (which will be delayed from March to May). Steven Petrick finished the week doing exploratory work to see if Part One of the Master Starship Book would be a practicable choice for Origins release.

Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.

Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.

Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike.

Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1,473 friends), proofread Communique #86 and the Federation Commander Federation ePack #2, and did some marketing.