My Disinterest in Food
This is Steven Petrick Posting.
for the past few years SVC, Leanna, and I all generally eat lunch together three times a week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday). Friday SVC and I usually have lunch together and sometimes Leanna will join us. The problem has become that there are not all that many places where we all (well . . . Leanna and SVC) like to eat, and making the decision of where to go on a given "joint" day often becomes difficult. I am literally no help on this as generally I do not care. Food is pretty much a matter of great disinterest to me, as long as it will not make me ill and is at least reasonably well prepared, and will provide enough "fuel" to keep all systems running at an optimal level. Prior to our moving to our current offices, I quite literally ate lunch virtually every single day at the local "Whataburger" (it being but a short walk away) and literally ordered exactly the same (double meat burger with extra pickles and mustard, no onions, no cheese, no tomatoes, large Fries, large diet coke) thing every single day I ate lunch there.
While we have tried for a while to have "standard" lunch dates, e.g. "Logans" on Monday, "Calico County" on Tuesday, "Cattle Call" on Thursday, eventually SVC or Leanna will tire of a given place and the schedule gets a change up. For example "Country Barn" on Monday, "Dyers" on Tuesday, and "Chick Fil A" on Thursday. No matter where we eat, I generally select some items from the menu of each place, and every subsequent time we go there I have exactly the same thing (although at both "Cattle Call" and "Dyers" in the last six or so months I did change my menu selections to the astonishment of both Leanna and SVC).
SVC and I virtually always go to "Blue Front Cafe" on Fridays, Leanna sometimes feels like giving them a try, but is not a regular.
But, as I have said, I do not care.
The only real difference for me is that as I have gotten older I find I have more interest in having a nice side salad when one is available. I know that Iceberg lettuce is not as healthy as other kinds, but I prefer it, and will often forgo tomatoes (I will eat them, but I do not really care for them). While I prefer my hamburgers without cheese, I do like grated cheese on my salad.
Food is such a matter of disinterest to me that on more than one occasion my "dinner" is no more than a couple of slices of wheat bread (nothing more, just bread) and a glass of milk. Even back in college and high school I would often go all out and have "buttered toast and tea" for breakfast or dinner.
Sad thing is, my mother liked to cook and liked to experiment with new dishes. My older brother caught the bug from her and is a pretty good cook in his own right.
I like simple. Spaghetti with plain meatballs and tomato sauce, but as I cannot do meatballs, I usually just boil the spaghetti and warm the tomato sauce and I am content.
I know that many people consider food part of their entertainment and go to extravagant extent to prepare it and have new flavors and what all.
I just consider it a waste of effort.
for the past few years SVC, Leanna, and I all generally eat lunch together three times a week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday). Friday SVC and I usually have lunch together and sometimes Leanna will join us. The problem has become that there are not all that many places where we all (well . . . Leanna and SVC) like to eat, and making the decision of where to go on a given "joint" day often becomes difficult. I am literally no help on this as generally I do not care. Food is pretty much a matter of great disinterest to me, as long as it will not make me ill and is at least reasonably well prepared, and will provide enough "fuel" to keep all systems running at an optimal level. Prior to our moving to our current offices, I quite literally ate lunch virtually every single day at the local "Whataburger" (it being but a short walk away) and literally ordered exactly the same (double meat burger with extra pickles and mustard, no onions, no cheese, no tomatoes, large Fries, large diet coke) thing every single day I ate lunch there.
While we have tried for a while to have "standard" lunch dates, e.g. "Logans" on Monday, "Calico County" on Tuesday, "Cattle Call" on Thursday, eventually SVC or Leanna will tire of a given place and the schedule gets a change up. For example "Country Barn" on Monday, "Dyers" on Tuesday, and "Chick Fil A" on Thursday. No matter where we eat, I generally select some items from the menu of each place, and every subsequent time we go there I have exactly the same thing (although at both "Cattle Call" and "Dyers" in the last six or so months I did change my menu selections to the astonishment of both Leanna and SVC).
SVC and I virtually always go to "Blue Front Cafe" on Fridays, Leanna sometimes feels like giving them a try, but is not a regular.
But, as I have said, I do not care.
The only real difference for me is that as I have gotten older I find I have more interest in having a nice side salad when one is available. I know that Iceberg lettuce is not as healthy as other kinds, but I prefer it, and will often forgo tomatoes (I will eat them, but I do not really care for them). While I prefer my hamburgers without cheese, I do like grated cheese on my salad.
Food is such a matter of disinterest to me that on more than one occasion my "dinner" is no more than a couple of slices of wheat bread (nothing more, just bread) and a glass of milk. Even back in college and high school I would often go all out and have "buttered toast and tea" for breakfast or dinner.
Sad thing is, my mother liked to cook and liked to experiment with new dishes. My older brother caught the bug from her and is a pretty good cook in his own right.
I like simple. Spaghetti with plain meatballs and tomato sauce, but as I cannot do meatballs, I usually just boil the spaghetti and warm the tomato sauce and I am content.
I know that many people consider food part of their entertainment and go to extravagant extent to prepare it and have new flavors and what all.
I just consider it a waste of effort.
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