This Week at ADB, Inc., 19-25 February 2012
Steve Cole reports:
This was a normal week, and serious progress is being made on many projects. The weather this week was mild. The spam storm mostly remained at something over 200 per day.
New on e23 this week was Captain's Log #20.
New on DriveThru RPG: Jean's free RPG booklet (over 900 downloads!)
Steve Cole worked on fiction and other items for Captain's Log #45, Project E, Project T, the updated company organization chart, Reinforcements Attack, Mongoose quality control, a Star Fleet Alert for next week, ACTASF errata, Communique #75, updated the Federation Commander Master Ship Chart, and the Captain's Log #44 FLAP list. He posted the first status sheet for Captain's Log #45.
Steven Petrick worked on research for an SVC story, rules questions, research for other fiction authors, Nicozian primer, Seltorian class history, Captain's Log #45 tactics and monster article.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, scanned the ancient SFB pocket edition for upload to e23, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1,126 friends), proofread the first pages of Captain's Log #45 and a Star Fleet Alert, and did some marketing.
This was a normal week, and serious progress is being made on many projects. The weather this week was mild. The spam storm mostly remained at something over 200 per day.
New on e23 this week was Captain's Log #20.
New on DriveThru RPG: Jean's free RPG booklet (over 900 downloads!)
Steve Cole worked on fiction and other items for Captain's Log #45, Project E, Project T, the updated company organization chart, Reinforcements Attack, Mongoose quality control, a Star Fleet Alert for next week, ACTASF errata, Communique #75, updated the Federation Commander Master Ship Chart, and the Captain's Log #44 FLAP list. He posted the first status sheet for Captain's Log #45.
Steven Petrick worked on research for an SVC story, rules questions, research for other fiction authors, Nicozian primer, Seltorian class history, Captain's Log #45 tactics and monster article.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, scanned the ancient SFB pocket edition for upload to e23, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1,126 friends), proofread the first pages of Captain's Log #45 and a Star Fleet Alert, and did some marketing.
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