This Week at ADB, Inc., 27 November - 3 December 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This was theoretically the final week of working on Captain's Log #44, although as Saturday evening drew to a close we lacked a page coming from an outside author, half a page of unresolved F&E Q&A, term paper ranks, and some graphics. The weather this week was cold, often freezing at night. The spam storm mostly remained at well over 200 per day.
New on e23 this week was Module E3 Triangulum Galaxy.
Steve Cole worked mostly on Captain's Log #44, working to midnight most nights. He found time for some other projects, including a meeting to help the Kyocera dealer with social media marketing, creating a Star Fleet Alert, a three-hour visit with his dentist, and sending Boosters 31-32-33 to press.
Steven Petrick worked on mostly on Captain's Log #44, although he finished creating his pages early in the week and focused on proofreading pages others had created. He actually did a substantial amount of work on Captain's Log #45.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date, working with Mongoose to coordinate the wholesaler billing for the joint venture releases.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, sent out the alert, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1,054 friends), proofread Boosters 31-32-33 and Captain's Log #44 (and wrote a bit of what is in it), and did some marketing.
This was theoretically the final week of working on Captain's Log #44, although as Saturday evening drew to a close we lacked a page coming from an outside author, half a page of unresolved F&E Q&A, term paper ranks, and some graphics. The weather this week was cold, often freezing at night. The spam storm mostly remained at well over 200 per day.
New on e23 this week was Module E3 Triangulum Galaxy.
Steve Cole worked mostly on Captain's Log #44, working to midnight most nights. He found time for some other projects, including a meeting to help the Kyocera dealer with social media marketing, creating a Star Fleet Alert, a three-hour visit with his dentist, and sending Boosters 31-32-33 to press.
Steven Petrick worked on mostly on Captain's Log #44, although he finished creating his pages early in the week and focused on proofreading pages others had created. He actually did a substantial amount of work on Captain's Log #45.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date, working with Mongoose to coordinate the wholesaler billing for the joint venture releases.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, sent out the alert, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1,054 friends), proofread Boosters 31-32-33 and Captain's Log #44 (and wrote a bit of what is in it), and did some marketing.
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