This Week at ADB, Inc., 11-17 December 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This was a quiet week for the two Steves, and a very busy week for Leanna and Michael. The weather this week was cold but not particularly miserable. The spam storm mostly remained at well over 200 per day. We got the first shipment of 2500-series miniatures, but still don't have any rulebooks and got word that fleet boxes won't happen until next year. (We have had to cancel dozens of orders for them as the credit card company will not hold orders that long.)
New on e23 this week were Captain's Log #17 and Captain's Log #18.
Steve Cole mostly took the week to rest and recharge, trying to burn off the stress of the last two months. The intense pressure of that time took a lot out of him, and he needs to take better care of his health. But he didn't goof off the whole week! He did a bunch of Wall of Honor updates (which won't be posted until Joel returns on 18 Jan), successfully worked out a deal so Tony Thomas and Will McCammon can do decals for the 2500s, wrote the annual report, answered weeks of unanswered emails, wrote marketing copy for e23, did the large print edition of Captain's Log #44, wrote a blog about the fiction story he wrote for Captain's Log #44, did several pages of Captain's Log #45, and cleaned up his desk (not that you can tell by looking at it).
Steven Petrick worked on the update for the R3 SSD book, finishing the Klingons and Hydrans.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1065 friends), did some marketing, and mourned the loss of her faithful dog K'Ehleyr.
This was a quiet week for the two Steves, and a very busy week for Leanna and Michael. The weather this week was cold but not particularly miserable. The spam storm mostly remained at well over 200 per day. We got the first shipment of 2500-series miniatures, but still don't have any rulebooks and got word that fleet boxes won't happen until next year. (We have had to cancel dozens of orders for them as the credit card company will not hold orders that long.)
New on e23 this week were Captain's Log #17 and Captain's Log #18.
Steve Cole mostly took the week to rest and recharge, trying to burn off the stress of the last two months. The intense pressure of that time took a lot out of him, and he needs to take better care of his health. But he didn't goof off the whole week! He did a bunch of Wall of Honor updates (which won't be posted until Joel returns on 18 Jan), successfully worked out a deal so Tony Thomas and Will McCammon can do decals for the 2500s, wrote the annual report, answered weeks of unanswered emails, wrote marketing copy for e23, did the large print edition of Captain's Log #44, wrote a blog about the fiction story he wrote for Captain's Log #44, did several pages of Captain's Log #45, and cleaned up his desk (not that you can tell by looking at it).
Steven Petrick worked on the update for the R3 SSD book, finishing the Klingons and Hydrans.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, chased pirates, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook (which is up to 1065 friends), did some marketing, and mourned the loss of her faithful dog K'Ehleyr.
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