This Week at ADB, Inc., 11-17 September 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This was a normal week, with the design team working on Captain's Log #44, Starline 2500, Star Fleet Marines, and Module E3 while the production team kept up with the steady stream of orders. The boys in the office played the game DUST on Wednesday, as they try to have a game night every two weeks.
The weather this week was much nicer, in the 70s except for Thursday, when it was in the 50s all day and rained. We needed the rain, being 75% behind a normal year.
The spam storm remained below 200 per day.
New on e23 this week was Captain's Log #13.
Steve Cole worked mostly on Mongoose projects (A Call to Arms and the Starline 2500 starships), but also did some other things: the zombie scenario for Star Fleet Marines, Captain's Log #44 fiction, 12 pages of Federation Admiral, descriptions for old Captain's Logs to keep them headed for e23, did some Fed megahex counters somebody wanted, and provided Joel with things for the new Marines page on the website.
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #44 (battle groups, monster article), reviewed some scenarios, answered Omega questions, helped playtest the zombie scenario, worked on Module E3 Borak, and reviewed new Starline 2500 series ships for firing arcs.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and worked on schedule planning for the fall. (Leanna and SVC took the weekend off to celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary, which is also their 4th anniversary since they loved each other enough to get married twice).
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory (running the power cutter), and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates such as the new Star Fleet Marines page and new ships on the Starline 2500 page, chased pirates, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook, proofread the LDR ship cards, and did a lot of marketing (most of it for the joint venture projects).
This was a normal week, with the design team working on Captain's Log #44, Starline 2500, Star Fleet Marines, and Module E3 while the production team kept up with the steady stream of orders. The boys in the office played the game DUST on Wednesday, as they try to have a game night every two weeks.
The weather this week was much nicer, in the 70s except for Thursday, when it was in the 50s all day and rained. We needed the rain, being 75% behind a normal year.
The spam storm remained below 200 per day.
New on e23 this week was Captain's Log #13.
Steve Cole worked mostly on Mongoose projects (A Call to Arms and the Starline 2500 starships), but also did some other things: the zombie scenario for Star Fleet Marines, Captain's Log #44 fiction, 12 pages of Federation Admiral, descriptions for old Captain's Logs to keep them headed for e23, did some Fed megahex counters somebody wanted, and provided Joel with things for the new Marines page on the website.
Steven Petrick worked on Captain's Log #44 (battle groups, monster article), reviewed some scenarios, answered Omega questions, helped playtest the zombie scenario, worked on Module E3 Borak, and reviewed new Starline 2500 series ships for firing arcs.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date and worked on schedule planning for the fall. (Leanna and SVC took the weekend off to celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary, which is also their 4th anniversary since they loved each other enough to get married twice).
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory (running the power cutter), and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates such as the new Star Fleet Marines page and new ships on the Starline 2500 page, chased pirates, and helped Mike.
Jean managed our page on Facebook, proofread the LDR ship cards, and did a lot of marketing (most of it for the joint venture projects).
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