This Week at ADB, Inc., 22-28 May 2011
Steve Cole reports:
This was the second week of the normal two-week drive to finish a Captain's Log. We knew that we wouldn't quite make it (because of work that had to be done on ISC War, Starmada Distant Armada, and Transports Attacked) but we wanted to get close. We didn't get as close as we wanted (due to difficulties with the battle group article) but we have the book well in hand. Progress was tracked by the workbook PDF posted every day: Sunday 65%, Monday 68%, Tuesday 70%, Wednesday 72%, Thursday 76%, Friday 78%, and Saturday 78%. (The problem with Battle Group was not the only one. Steven Petrick lost a day being sick and so did Jean Sexton.)
The weather this week was getting hotter, often passing 90F in the afternoons.
The spam storm remained fairly calm, under 100 per day.
New uploads to e23 included Captain's Log #9 and the ISC Ship Card Pack #1.
Steve Cole worked on the mysterious U contract, helped Joel smite pirates, coordinated with the die cutter who is working on ISC WAR, created five LDR ships, helped a returning player find a long-deleted rule, coordinated with GAMA on Origins events, wrote descriptions for products going on e23, updated the GGIC catalog listing, finished ISC Ship Card Pack #1, and of course worked on Captain's Log #43.
Steven Petrick worked almost entirely on Captain's Log #43.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, worked on art for Captain's Log #43, and smote pirates. He shut down two dozen torrents and pirate distribution copies.
Jean was busy all week proofreading Captain's Log #43 and updating the GGIC catalog listing. Jean reports that our page on Facebook passed 820 friends.
This was the second week of the normal two-week drive to finish a Captain's Log. We knew that we wouldn't quite make it (because of work that had to be done on ISC War, Starmada Distant Armada, and Transports Attacked) but we wanted to get close. We didn't get as close as we wanted (due to difficulties with the battle group article) but we have the book well in hand. Progress was tracked by the workbook PDF posted every day: Sunday 65%, Monday 68%, Tuesday 70%, Wednesday 72%, Thursday 76%, Friday 78%, and Saturday 78%. (The problem with Battle Group was not the only one. Steven Petrick lost a day being sick and so did Jean Sexton.)
The weather this week was getting hotter, often passing 90F in the afternoons.
The spam storm remained fairly calm, under 100 per day.
New uploads to e23 included Captain's Log #9 and the ISC Ship Card Pack #1.
Steve Cole worked on the mysterious U contract, helped Joel smite pirates, coordinated with the die cutter who is working on ISC WAR, created five LDR ships, helped a returning player find a long-deleted rule, coordinated with GAMA on Origins events, wrote descriptions for products going on e23, updated the GGIC catalog listing, finished ISC Ship Card Pack #1, and of course worked on Captain's Log #43.
Steven Petrick worked almost entirely on Captain's Log #43.
Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.
Mike kept orders going out, rebuilt the inventory, and managed customer service.
Joel did website updates, worked on art for Captain's Log #43, and smote pirates. He shut down two dozen torrents and pirate distribution copies.
Jean was busy all week proofreading Captain's Log #43 and updating the GGIC catalog listing. Jean reports that our page on Facebook passed 820 friends.
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