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Monday, February 28, 2011

This Week at ADB, Inc., 20-26 February 2011

Steve Cole reports:

This was not a good week for SVC. His aunt Janelle passed away on Sunday morning, and he was out of the office for most of the next three days. Even so, progress was made.

The weather this week was mild, freezing overnight but reaching the 50s or 60s most afternoon. The spam storm remained AWOL, with only about 60-80 per day.

We had no new uploads to e23 this week, although there are bright lights on the horizon. GURPS KLINGONS will be on e23 next week and PD20M Klingons will be on DriveThru next week. Work is almost finished on the Romulan and Orion card packs, and work has begun on the Hydran and Andro packs. Leanna has also uploaded Captain's Log #1 which should be released next week.

Steve Cole worked on the Kindle book (basically firing the company that botched the conversion) and reviewed the Battlestations project (to see if he could salvage it). He got a Star Fleet alert sent out, made the final fixes to GURPS FEDS (now scheduled for May), wrote a blog, checked a dozen boxes of FC map panels, did the Origins events plan (with a lot of staff help), did everything from Communique #63 except the scenario, and did the Revision 6 version of War & Peace.

Steven Petrick worked on C3A and Captain's Log #43 and set things up for Ken Kazinski to run the Council of Five Nations event.

Leanna kept orders and accounting up to date.

Mike kept orders going out and rebuilt the inventory after it was wiped out by massive wholesaler orders.

Joel did website updates, shut down a "wiki" site that was posting copies of our products, finished the March issue of Hailing Frequencies, and helped Mike.

Jean is proofreading ePacks, Communique, Hailing Frequencies, and trying to make more time for PD20M Romulans.