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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Steve Cole muses: Just thinking to himself.

1. The world is only going to beat a path to your door if they know you have a better mousetrap to sell, and spreading the word in an age when everybody is bombarded by too much Internet junk mail is very difficult.

2. One industry guy says that it's impossible to convince the modern youth that getting an illegal copy of a game from a torrent index is against the law because it's technically not "stealing" or "theft" but "illegal copying" which is a civil tort, not a crime. To me, that is a distinction without a difference. Stealing is stealing.

3. That song the hamsters sing on the car commercial has a point. You can have this, or you can have that, but you cannot have everything you want, or everything you see, or everything there is. You have to make a choice.

4. The Atacama desert in Chile is so dead that there are not even any living microbes in the soil for much of it.

5. Here's a question. On just exactly which one of the newly discovered planets is Lady Gaga the height of fashion?

6. Has anybody noticed that Pete Bethune (the whale warrior who went to jail in Japan) looks a LOT like Max Headroom?

7. I get really tired of (when watching TV) hearing "after the break". Guys, I am watching the show, I don't plan on changing the channel, and I resent the fact that two or three minutes of actual content was left out of the show to make room for this needless repetition. When I heard "after the break" I click the fast forward button, so I'm not hearing it anyway and it's just more commercial time as far as I'm concerned. And I am not watching the commercials either, not unless they have cute animals or cool sci-fi effects.

8. An old friend who is a broker for a printer we used before print-on-demand came by one day, trying to get us to print books with him again. (Not likely, given the market vs. minimum print runs, and that print on demand is no more expensive and much more efficient). He said he had lost half of his business in two years because companies with big annual books (e.g., catalogs) now just put the stuff on the Internet (or CD) and do not even offer hard copies. I began to wonder if I would have to replace the Kyoceras in four years, or just switch entirely to PDF sales.

9. Ok, let's all say it together. Burning the American flag, or the Bible, is free speech that has to be not just tolerated, but praised as courageous free thinking. However, burning a Koran is hate speech which cannot be tolerated and must be deplored by everyone, and those who propose doing so must be ostracized, condemned, and encouraged to rethink their plan. Got it now? (The real reason that Bible burning is ok and Koran burning is not is that Christians only get upset when you burn their book, but somewhere there is a Moslem who will get so upset about burning the Koran that he will blow something up.)

10. Do you think we can stop worrying about doing things that upset radical Moslems? I mean, we had not burned any Korans, stopped any mosques from being built, or overthrown any Moslem governments before 9/11, and they haven't done anything worse since we started being mean to them.