This Week at ADB, Inc., 18-24 July 2010
Steve Cole reports:
The weather this week was hot, although rain on Saturday provided some much needed relief. The Spam Storm stayed relatively calm, with only about 300-400 per day.
The week always starts with Jean's memo about what we're doing for blogs this week.
Steve Cole finished up the back covers for Squadron Boxes #28, #29, and #30 just in time to ship them. He continued a project to move everybody on the Honor Scroll to the Medal Wall; by the end of the week, everybody A-through-L with two or more ribbons had been done. He finished the CL#41 Supplemental File (while Jean and Steven Petrick proofread it). He did three pages of CL#42, cleaned up and opened the R14 topic, did the Frax ship for the September Communique, and worked on the Battlestations project. Customer service Wednesday was busy: he sent Jean more pictures for our page on Facebook, helped somebody sell some old stuff on Ebay, and sent more FC play aids to Joel to upload. He injured his foot on Monday (but this had stopped hurting by Thursday) but was sick during Friday and Saturday, and while in the office, didn't get much done on those days.
Steven Petrick continued to focus on SFB Module Y3 (40 of the 100 SSDs are now done; Y3 is due for release in September.
Mail orders remain strong, keeping Mike and Leanna busy. Leanna got the quarterly accounting and royalty statements done. Mike checked in more shipments of miniatures.
Joel continued working on the website (the August issue of Hailing Frequencies is already done, but of course hasn't been released).
The Wednesday staff meeting was a busy one. The first order of business was to change the meetings from Wednesday and Saturday to Tuesday and Friday, so Joel can be there (he doesn't work Saturdays). SVC renewed the old idea of giving everyone a specific assignment, then reviewing these at the next meeting. Leanna decided that the SupFiles will no longer be free downloads but will be on e23 and the shopping cart for $5, which will at least allow us to spend some billable hours adding cooler stuff there.
The weather this week was hot, although rain on Saturday provided some much needed relief. The Spam Storm stayed relatively calm, with only about 300-400 per day.
The week always starts with Jean's memo about what we're doing for blogs this week.
Steve Cole finished up the back covers for Squadron Boxes #28, #29, and #30 just in time to ship them. He continued a project to move everybody on the Honor Scroll to the Medal Wall; by the end of the week, everybody A-through-L with two or more ribbons had been done. He finished the CL#41 Supplemental File (while Jean and Steven Petrick proofread it). He did three pages of CL#42, cleaned up and opened the R14 topic, did the Frax ship for the September Communique, and worked on the Battlestations project. Customer service Wednesday was busy: he sent Jean more pictures for our page on Facebook, helped somebody sell some old stuff on Ebay, and sent more FC play aids to Joel to upload. He injured his foot on Monday (but this had stopped hurting by Thursday) but was sick during Friday and Saturday, and while in the office, didn't get much done on those days.
Steven Petrick continued to focus on SFB Module Y3 (40 of the 100 SSDs are now done; Y3 is due for release in September.
Mail orders remain strong, keeping Mike and Leanna busy. Leanna got the quarterly accounting and royalty statements done. Mike checked in more shipments of miniatures.
Joel continued working on the website (the August issue of Hailing Frequencies is already done, but of course hasn't been released).
The Wednesday staff meeting was a busy one. The first order of business was to change the meetings from Wednesday and Saturday to Tuesday and Friday, so Joel can be there (he doesn't work Saturdays). SVC renewed the old idea of giving everyone a specific assignment, then reviewing these at the next meeting. Leanna decided that the SupFiles will no longer be free downloads but will be on e23 and the shopping cart for $5, which will at least allow us to spend some billable hours adding cooler stuff there.
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