This Week at ADB, Inc., 13-20 June 2010
Steve Cole reports:
The weather has been hot most of the week, The skies were mostly clear with some rain Thursday evening. The Spam Storm continues to abate, with numbers dropping from 559 on Monday down to 201 on Saturday. Compared to the average of 4000 per day during this spring, we'll take the improvement.
Most of the week focused on finishing Federation Commander: War & Peace and SFB's Module R12. We got the counters on Wednesday and the covers and Ship Cards on Thursday. SPP finished the R12 SSD book on Thursday and it started printing, and we finished and started printing both rulebooks on Friday.
We sent out the Star Fleet Alert for R12 and W&P on Tuesday. We finally got the CL#41 large print edition done on Wednesday, and Leanna got those orders out. Joel got the art done for the boosters (so it can go to press next week), which will also go to wholesalers on 28 June.
Official "final Origins preparations" began on Thursday when Mike set up a table by the front door and piled on it all of the stuff that had been pre-prepped over the last few months. SPP and SVC spent most of Friday and Saturday doing more Origins preparation stuff while Mike, Joel, and Leanna printed and assembled the new products. SVC finished his booth box on Saturday morning, and SPP finished his Saturday night. This was mostly a function of a coin toss, as both took up the entire conference table unloading last year's box, inventorying and updating it, adding what's missing, and repacking it.
The weather has been hot most of the week, The skies were mostly clear with some rain Thursday evening. The Spam Storm continues to abate, with numbers dropping from 559 on Monday down to 201 on Saturday. Compared to the average of 4000 per day during this spring, we'll take the improvement.
Most of the week focused on finishing Federation Commander: War & Peace and SFB's Module R12. We got the counters on Wednesday and the covers and Ship Cards on Thursday. SPP finished the R12 SSD book on Thursday and it started printing, and we finished and started printing both rulebooks on Friday.
We sent out the Star Fleet Alert for R12 and W&P on Tuesday. We finally got the CL#41 large print edition done on Wednesday, and Leanna got those orders out. Joel got the art done for the boosters (so it can go to press next week), which will also go to wholesalers on 28 June.
Official "final Origins preparations" began on Thursday when Mike set up a table by the front door and piled on it all of the stuff that had been pre-prepped over the last few months. SPP and SVC spent most of Friday and Saturday doing more Origins preparation stuff while Mike, Joel, and Leanna printed and assembled the new products. SVC finished his booth box on Saturday morning, and SPP finished his Saturday night. This was mostly a function of a coin toss, as both took up the entire conference table unloading last year's box, inventorying and updating it, adding what's missing, and repacking it.
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