This week at ADB, Inc., 13-19 December 2009
Steve Cole reports:
It was a good week. The weather was cool but not bitterly so most days (it was 24F on Tuesday).
Isis and Ramses made their first visits (on the 16th) to the office (ever) this week due to the noise from the construction crews adding onto our house (they were here most days after that). The cats behaved well and after a few noisy hours settled down to take a nap. Work on the new addition to our house went well. They dug the trenches, laid out the plumbing, and then poured the slab on Saturday. Leanna is very excited to see such rapid progress.
On Thursday, we visited the Open House party for the Kyocera dealer and saw a new color printer we might buy.
The project to send more ships to Federation Commander On-Line continued. I sent the Hydran CWG and the Frax BCH, POL, and FF.
Eric did a great job getting a lot of stuff done on the website. He got the artist pages finished. He uploaded some more Klingon rank insignia charts, more sublight ships, and some FC play aids (the new Master Ship Charts and Scenario Databases). Eric and Mike continued post-production on the new videos.
Leanna and Mike struggled mightily and managed to barely keep up with the massive mail order surge.
Petrick worked most of the week on CL #41 and C3A. He and I did some exercise laps, but I got the rest of the required activity on the construction site. Petrick nearly died of some unknown illness on Saturday but was back at work on Sunday.
I kept up to date reading FYEO every day. Ann Coulter noted that states with universal healthcare (Oregon, Massachusetts) are broke and have lousy health care.
Marketing Monday continued: I updated the wholesaler list on the retail FAQ page. I followed up with a store that asked for information. I read some marketing ideas from Bob Nelson and found two that I should look into. I did another few OPL store registrations. I got the Star Fleet Alert done and it went out on Tuesday.
My primary project continues to be the F&E 2010 rulebook. I finished converting it to the new software on Friday and got busily to work doing the Captain's Log ruling files (so far through CL #25).
We heard from new player-customers in Hungary and New Zealand this week and Leanna had to figure out how to mail stuff to those countries (which was easy enough).
Jean continues working with Gary Plana and others on PD Feds and apparently spent most of the week trying to get the Rimworld story and survey to match with the help of Dale Fields, a professional astronomer.
It was a good week. The weather was cool but not bitterly so most days (it was 24F on Tuesday).
Isis and Ramses made their first visits (on the 16th) to the office (ever) this week due to the noise from the construction crews adding onto our house (they were here most days after that). The cats behaved well and after a few noisy hours settled down to take a nap. Work on the new addition to our house went well. They dug the trenches, laid out the plumbing, and then poured the slab on Saturday. Leanna is very excited to see such rapid progress.
On Thursday, we visited the Open House party for the Kyocera dealer and saw a new color printer we might buy.
The project to send more ships to Federation Commander On-Line continued. I sent the Hydran CWG and the Frax BCH, POL, and FF.
Eric did a great job getting a lot of stuff done on the website. He got the artist pages finished. He uploaded some more Klingon rank insignia charts, more sublight ships, and some FC play aids (the new Master Ship Charts and Scenario Databases). Eric and Mike continued post-production on the new videos.
Leanna and Mike struggled mightily and managed to barely keep up with the massive mail order surge.
Petrick worked most of the week on CL #41 and C3A. He and I did some exercise laps, but I got the rest of the required activity on the construction site. Petrick nearly died of some unknown illness on Saturday but was back at work on Sunday.
I kept up to date reading FYEO every day. Ann Coulter noted that states with universal healthcare (Oregon, Massachusetts) are broke and have lousy health care.
Marketing Monday continued: I updated the wholesaler list on the retail FAQ page. I followed up with a store that asked for information. I read some marketing ideas from Bob Nelson and found two that I should look into. I did another few OPL store registrations. I got the Star Fleet Alert done and it went out on Tuesday.
My primary project continues to be the F&E 2010 rulebook. I finished converting it to the new software on Friday and got busily to work doing the Captain's Log ruling files (so far through CL #25).
We heard from new player-customers in Hungary and New Zealand this week and Leanna had to figure out how to mail stuff to those countries (which was easy enough).
Jean continues working with Gary Plana and others on PD Feds and apparently spent most of the week trying to get the Rimworld story and survey to match with the help of Dale Fields, a professional astronomer.
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